Endless dull complaints and Hong Kong conservation

After I posted in a birding whatsapp group about issues with the Long Valley Nature Park, I was surprised at this response, sent to the whole group of over 200 members so hardly private. Well, perhaps complaints about conservation issues are indeed rather dull; yet clearly to me important. While I don’t expect much, I hope for some discussion, maybe some advocacy of ways to do some things better.

Anyhoo, here are some of my endless complaints, along with ideas I’ve mooted for doing things better. Mostly, not resulting in any change for the better, but here and there some slight positives. And, however foolishly, I keep on trying and hoping – and doing so without supporting a paymaster that may not have the best interests of the natural world at heart (or any paymaster at all, for that matter!).

Long Valley – don’t devastate; improve the nature park

Around the turn of the century, I supported the Hong Kong Birdwatching Society in opposing the KCR’s plans to build a viaduct over Long Valley, a prime local hotspot for birds. A small voice, indeed.

More recently, as work was underway on a nature park, I tried emailing the Civil Engineering and Development Department with concerns the work was not ideal. No changes.

Once the nature park was opened, late 2024, it was clear that there were indeed issues, but also potential to change for the better, with some easy wins possible. More emails from me; no result. For loads more dullness, see on this site, 長谷自然公園的雙重多樣性高於生物多樣性,但仍有改進的潛力.


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