WWF Hong Kong Save Our Seas video and petition

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WWF Hong Kong has launched a Save Our Seas campaign, aimed at combatting over-fishing. Just produced a short video, filmed by Hong Kong Outdoors contributor Charles Frew.

You can watch the video online, including on YouTube:

WWF Hong Kong SOS Campaign (Eng)

WWF Hong Kong SOS Campaign (Chinese)

(added 27 March:) WWF HK has produded more info on how to help fishermen and our economy, and for consumers re choices of seafood based on how sustainable the fisheries/fish farming are:

“A new study has concluded that Hong Kong would be missing a major economic opportunity by not acting swiftly to revitalize its marine fisheries. The study, “Rebuilding Hong Kong’s Marine Fisheries: An Evaluation of Management Options,” commissioned by WWF Hong Kong and undertaken by the world-renowned Fisheries Centre of the University of British Columbia (UBC) was released today. Among the key findings are that WWF’s proposed changes to fisheries management could generate HK$1.3 to HK$2.6 billion over the next 25 years of net benefits to Hong Kong in comparison with current fisheries management, through revitalised fish stocks, more profitable fisheries, and new tourism and recreational opportunities in north-eastern waters.”

Compensation to fishing industry is key to unlocking massive economic benefits to Hong Kong concludes WWF-UBC report

“WWF launched a convenient, easy-to-use Seafood Guide today to promote the consumption of green and sustainably produced seafood. This is the first seafood guide in East Asia to cover a wide range of seafood using the latest information. Consumers and corporate diners are encouraged to actively use the Guide as a reference when buying seafood at markets and dining out. The project is sponsored by JNC Nature Fund.

More than 60 popular seafood species are included in the Guide.”

WWF Seafood guide to encourage consumption of green and sustainably produced seafood

One comment

  1. Breakthrough for marine conservation in Hong Kong

    Just in from WWF HK:

    [quote]SOS Campaign goal achieved. Thank you for your support!

    The Chief Executive’s Policy Address on 15 October announced a major breakthrough for marine conservation in Hong Kong – banning commercial fishing in all four marine parks. This is a major move towards one of our main goals of our Save Our Seas (SOS) Campaign of no fishing in marine parks, and ultimately 10% of local waters to be made no-take marine protection areas. Within five years we should see noticeable increases in fish populations inside the parks and greater catches outside.

    Thank you for being part of the over 58,000 voices supporting our SOS petition campaign earlier this year. You have helped us turn what we have been fighting for since 2005 into reality!




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