World Green Organisation only Hong Kong and not so green

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Some years ago, I was asked to meet two or three people who were starting a new “environmental” ngo in Hong Kong, the World Green Organisation. Didn’t seem quite right to me – hardly ecowarrior type stuff, not up to what is really needed to protect the environment, and I declined.

I’ve had no direct contact since then, but have seen the “World” Green Organisation mentioned re a few events. These have always been restricted to Hong Kong; and to me have tended towards greenwashing, involving cozy relationships with businesses etc.

Recently, I was forwarded an email about the forthcoming World Green Organisation’s 12th Anniversary Dinner Banquet cum Green Hong Kong Campaign. This long title indeed involves the word “cum”; could be hard to swallow.

The theme – Greenism – is hardly inspiring; as if environmentalism is just a fad, not crucial for all our futures. But never mind, there are new opportunities, including with ESG – Environmental, Social, and Governance, ie the kind of thing that can look good in companies’ annual reports.

In keeping with my thoughts re the WGO, the speakers mentioned in the email are far from being environmental firebrands:

Looking at the organisation’s website, there’s some corporatese-spiel about them:

The World Green Organisation (WGO) is an independent non-governmental organisation concerned with environmental conservation and environmentally related livelihood and economic affairs. It provides a holistic approach to a fully integrated three-pronged solution that combines social, environmental and economic dimensions for a paradigm shift towards low-carbon and climate-resilient development pathways.

There’s also a list of “experts” as long as your arm. Here, too, it seems real greenies are absent; qualifications include “energy economist”, “policy researcher”, “brand building”, “corporate events”, “assistant auditor”, and “qualitative finance”. Just two of the qualifications listed are as you might hope for committed environmentalists: “ecotour guide”, and “sustainability and biodiversity field research”.

Rather than highlight the deterioration of our world’s ecosystems, or even local ones, the WGO has dabbled in projects like recycling, forecasting electricity tariffs, and even a Survey on Phytotoxicity in Hong Kong cum New Baby Product ‘White List’: Baby Oil Press Conference [ah yes, the cum word again].

So I’m glad to have not gotten entangled with the World Green Organisation; while also thinking of it along the lines of various pseudo green groups that in fact support business as usual approaches.

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