Hiking and biking in Hong Kong

Home » Hiking and biking in Hong Kong

Five Hong Kong Hikes as Winter Warmers

With respite from Hong Kong’s summer heat and humidity, winter is great for hiking Table of Contents Jungle Jaunt: Tai Po Kau to Shing Mun Wild Farm: Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden Super Circuit: Lai Chi Wo and Sam A…

Hong Kong Night Hiking is Far More Than a Walk in the Dark

As increasing numbers of people are discovering, night hiking may seem a little spooky, but there are rewards a-plenty, including tranquillity, scintillating scenes, respite from daytime heat, fitting in with busy work schedules, and – for some – encounters with snakes.

Hong Kong Waterfalls in New Territories and on HK Island

With abundant streams tumbling down Hong Kong hills, there’s a fine variety of waterfalls. The sadly defunct Waterfalls of Hong Kong website listed over 50 waterfall sites across the territory. Some are easy to reach, while others take effort to…

HK Mountain Biking

Due to the HK Mountain Bike Association several trails have been opened to the public. We do have some excellent trails in Hong Kong, in every corner of the territory. Please check the HKMBA site for maps and details. Most…

Hong Kong weather and hiking


Hong Kong’s climate is sub-tropical, with a hot, steamy summer eventually yielding to a drier, warm to hot autumn, then sometimes cool winter, and the swiftly warming, sometimes rainy spring. There are two major monsoons, with fairly consistent winds: the…

Renting bikes in Hong Kong

I've tried renting bikes for riding around in Hong Kong and been well impressed with the quality of the bikes, and the rental charges.