Tai Fu Tai Mansion (大夫第)

tai fu taiTai Fu Tai Mansion (大夫第) was probably built in around 1870.

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Tai Fu Tai Mansion (大夫第) was probably built in around 1870.

Tai Fu Tai Mansion (大夫第), in San Tin to the east of Mai Po, was probably built in around 1870, by Man Chung-luen, a successful merchant and renowned philanthropist.

I gleaned this info from a leaflet, which also notes “The residence is a fine example of traditional Chinese dwelling of the scholar-gentry class and is certainly one of the most elegant buildings throughout the territory.”

Tai Fu Tai Mansion

Gazetted as a historic building in 1987, the mansion has since been renovated – with work completed in 1988 and, based on my visit, some further work done recently.

Though fairly small – and not worth the trek to the New Territories in itself – the mansion is certainly a pleasant place for a quick visit if you’re in the area.

There were some craftsmen at work; also a lady who was apparently a guard, but was happy to show us around a little (and hand me the leaflet), showing us through through the entrance hall, to a courtyard and the main room – even to a renovated toilet, with the wooden cubicles, and holes to a place for, err, unpleasant stuff (happily, not recreated).

The mansion has some lovely decorations, with carvings and paintings. Couldn’t go upstairs, but bedroom looked impressive from below.

The mansion is in Wing Ping Tsuen, San Tin – a short walk away from junction on Castle Peak Road (signposts point the way). As with other HK museums, it’s closed on Tuesdays.
Nearby – and which I’ve not yet visited – is another historical building, Man Lung Fun Ancestral Hall.

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