School outings to hidden Hong Kong experiencing wild places and wildlife

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I have organised and led several outings to the Hong Kong countryside for school groups, chiefly for one school, for which I developed a “Hidden Hong Kong” week covering Mai Po Marshes, Kadoorie Farm, Cheung Chau, the northeast New Territories, and a boat trip in search of Chinese White Dolphins.

Yes, not all so “hidden” to people familiar with the Hong Kong countryside, but covering more than many a typical school trip – such as to nooks and crannies of Cheung Chau’s lovely coastline rather than just playing some sort of games on the beach. Also some hiking at Kadoorie Farm; likewise at Bride’s Pool area, where I’ve seen school groups going no further than a barbecue site.

My main hope is to introduce the school children to the wilder side of Hong Kong, hoping that some may be inspired to later head out for hiking, photography, perhaps watching wildlife – something that can enrich their lives for many years to come. Well, something to hope for! And, at minimum, an enjoyable few days of outings, away from any pressures of exams etc; with some good memories, while learning a little more about nature, conservation, and sometimes even their own capabilities – to spot birds and other wildlife, scramble up rocky slopes and alongside streams, even ride bicycles.

Here are some photos from these outings:

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