Birdwatching in Hong Kong gives insights into wonders of nature

While human life has lately been muted in Hong Kong during springtime, local birdlife remains vibrant, offering a chance to enjoy some of the wonders and mysteries of the natural world, right outside your home.             Notably, Hong Kong is a…

Watching Hong Kong mammals

With increasing reports of wild boars – including the large male dubbed “Pigzilla” on the Peak, a couple of hikers [March 2018] mistaking a leopard cat for a tiger, and an upturn in local porcupine photos appearing online, this seems…

Shalotung – haven in the New Territories hills

Head into the hills from near Tai Po Market, taking a narrow road from the fringe of the industrial estate, and it’s almost as if you’re leaving 21st century Hong Kong behind. The road climbs through woodland, curls to the…

Up and over Sunset Peak on Lantau

The Sunset Peak massif dominates the interior of eastern Lantau, and its high grassy slopes make for some of the finest upland hiking in Hong Kong. There’s an expansive feel to the  landscape, which seems splendidly remote from the city – making…

Mai Po Marshes Upgrade Project: Big Money, Few Visitors

There is a Mai Po upgrade project underway [spring 2023], funded by a HK$347.86 million grant from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. This seems a substantial sum, especially as it is for infrastructure only, and chiefly a new visitor…