Hong Kong Accommodation outside city

Hong Kong does have some places to stay outside the main urban areas.Some are hotels, including in Sha Tin (still urban, but in the New Territories); while there are small village guest houses in wilder places, including several you can…

Cheung Chau (長洲)


cheung chau beachCheung Chau (長洲) looks tiny on a map yet boasts plenty to see and do in a day.

Concrete Plan for Lantau

The Concept Plan for Lantau has an extensive list of proposed projects that would transform Lantau.

Threats to Deep Bay include increasing sedimentation

Last decade, the future looked bright for the Deep Bay wetland, in northwest Hong Kong. The British and Chinese governments agreed to list it under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance – showing they recognised it should be…

Lantau Concept Plan meeting

My overriding impression is: THERE IS NO PLAN! Instead, a mishmash of various projects that are broadly based on the strategy to have development on north Lantau.

Sham Chung qns for SHK


So far, Sun Hung Kai seems to have a really poor record of activities at Sham Chung. [No answers forthcoming to these questions.]

Making Explore Wild HK

Explore Wild Hong Kong! is the first film to show the diverse and dynamic destination that Hong Kong really is, with tips on how to get to some of the best sites. Sponsored by Cathay Pacific Airways, the film highlights…

HK Love It Trash It

Right, let’s pretend I’m Steve Ballmer, barmy sales chief of Microsoft (Steve Who? … Steve Batty Ballmer goes iPod). Excuse me while I leap and dance around and whoop and scream for a few minutes. WOO! YEAH! WOOOO-OOOH! YEAH! YEEEEEEEE!…