HK Great Outdoors map

Here’s a map with clickable links to info on some of the best places in wild Hong Kong, several of which were featured in Hong Kong’s Great Outdoors  (copies no longer available). Hong Kong’s Great Outdoors – info briefly introduces…

Beginning birdwatching in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is an excellent place for birdwatching. Here, you can find global rarities that are tough to see elsewhere, encounter stunning songbirds, watch seabirds blasted inshore by typhoons (yes, typhoons – birdwatchers do far sillier things than just lurk…

HK Rural Tourism

I've long felt that at least a handful of Hong Kong's better villages should be preserved; tourism seems a possible way of supporting this.

Lantau Joint Statement

19 groups including Hong Kong Outdoors showed "a rare show of unity", to produce a Joint Statement on Sustainable Development for Lantau.

About HK Outdoors

Hong Kong Outdoors was founded by writer, photographer and wildlife enthusiast Dr Martin Williams, to celebrate this many-splendoured place: as well as enjoying the city, you can discover rugged hills, hiking trails criss-crossing country parks, an internationally renowned wetland, waterfalls…

Lamma Island

Lamma lies just west of Hong Kong Island, and offers a great contrast to the city. Lying just west of Hong Kong Island, Lamma Island (南丫島) has a reputation as a hippie haven. This image is perhaps outdated, but Lamma…

Hong Kong fish sos

WWF Hong Kong is taking full page advertisements in Hong Kong’s newspapers, asking the Government and the AFCD to explain why they have failed to provide responsible stewardship of Hong Kong’s fish resources.