Buffalo Hill


view from buffalo hillViews from Buffalo Hill recall parts of the Scottish Highlands.

Buying binoculars

Here’s short info I sent someone asking for advice on buying binoculars in Hong Kong: Well, I’m a birder, but rather rarely buy binoculars – my Leicas now maybe 15 years old (not sure)! [Since I wrote this, I lost…

HKZM bridge pollution

Perhaps bridge proponents could explain just why Hong Kong should contribute to the project, and so help push our air pollution from very bad to even worse.

Legco Lantau

Introduction to written submission regarding the Hong Kong government's Concept Plan for Lantau.

Rockit 2005

Hong Kong’s Rockit Music Festival just on in Victoria Park, Causeway Bay. Though only a couple of international bands this year (one a rapper with band – Princess Superstar; the other UK rock group Feeder), still a fun weekend –…