Top Ten Hong Kong birds

Here’s a definitive list of the top ten Hong Kong birds.(Well, ok, this is subjective; but ten top species for sure.) Criteria include global status, appearance, relationship to Hong Kong – perhaps readily seen and familiar, maybe rare worldwide but…

Rural hostels

Visitor accommodation in village houses just might prove a viable alternative to having some of our finest areas threatened by schemes that may reap financial rewards for some people, but leave Hong Kong’s wildlife and scenery the poorer.


Every year, Hong Kong’s hillsides are afflicted by fires, especially in late autumn and winter.

Taking wild Hong Kong photos


water lily Hong Kong's outdoors offers a wealth of subjects to shoot - from hills and islands, to waterfalls and wildlife.

Beautiful Lantau n concrete

Two maps highlighting the beauty of Lantau Island, and potential projects - along with links to more info, including on great places to visit.

Mau Ping

trail nr mau ping800px

mau ping trailAn excellent hike from Sai Kung passes the abandoned village of Mau Ping.