Hong Kong Night Hiking is Far More Than a Walk in the Dark

As increasing numbers of people are discovering, night hiking may seem a little spooky, but there are rewards a-plenty, including tranquillity, scintillating scenes, respite from daytime heat, fitting in with busy work schedules, and – for some – encounters with snakes.

Hong Kong Waterfalls in New Territories and on HK Island

With abundant streams tumbling down Hong Kong hills, there’s a fine variety of waterfalls. The sadly defunct Waterfalls of Hong Kong website listed over 50 waterfall sites across the territory. Some are easy to reach, while others take effort to…

Tung Ping Chau the Best Flat Island in the World


Look at a map of Hong Kong, and in the northeast corner you should just see Tung Ping Chau – “East Flat Island”, the furthest-flung land in Hong Kong. Look at a map of Hong Kong, and in the northeast…

Bad Science and Hong Kong’ Rubbish Strategy

There has been considerable brouhaha over Hong Kong’s waste strategy, especially plans to expand three landfills plus build an incinerator on an artificial island by Shek Kwu Chau – which passed two votes in the Legislative Council, but were then…

Cape Town could teach Hong Kong about tourism

cape town

I’m fascinated to look around Cape Town, partly as I’ve found it mentioned in a report on cities and biodiversity, according to which ecotourism is among the significant benefits Cape Town derives from the natural environment.