I’ve just emailed views re government’s recently announced plan to create San Tin Technopole, including by destroying a substantial area of San Tin fishponds:
I’m emailing to object to plans to destroy an area of San Tin fishponds to make way for the “Technopole” – which I also believe is a silly project with a silly name, which will cost taxpayers and not generate profits. cf Cyberport and Science Park not meeting the rather grand expectations; and Disneyland making losses year after year.
Here, there is destruction of wetland, which I believe goes against Ramsar Convention principles (“the Contracting Parties have recognized a duty to avoid wetland losses.”).
Also contravenes the principles of Hong Kong’s Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan: “The Government has also covered this [Deep Bay] and the nearby area with statutory plans and Town Planning Board Guideline has been issued to further ensure that any development of the surrounding area is compatible with the conservation of the wetland habitats.”
Dr Martin Williams
As green groups including Hong Kong Birdwatching Society have noted, the San Tin fishponds are significant for wetland wildlife including birds.Hence meriting protection.
You can email views too: [email protected]

While here is summary of issues with the destruction from Hong Kong Birdwatching Society:
1. Destroying internationally important wetlands as development takes priority over conservation
2. Threatening globally endangered species due to the loss in their important foraging and roosting habitats
3. Putting the second and third largest egretries in Deep Bay at risk
4. Violating wetland conservation planning guidelines and setting a bad precedent for wetland development
5. Undermining the sustainable development of traditional pond fish culture
Submit your comment! Express the Five Key Ecological Concerns about San Tin Technopole
There is also a press release on green groups including HKBWS objecting to the plans: 9個環團籲政府堅守濕地規劃原則 修訂新田科技城方案
This release was summarised in an email to HKBWS members:
【Nine environmental NGOs call urge the Government to amend the San Tin Technopole development plan and stand firm on wetland conservation planning guidelines】
The Development Bureau is now conducting a public consultation for the land use of San Tin Technopole, which about 90 hectares of fishponds will be filled for innovation and technology use within next year. HKBWS and 8 other environmental NGOs issued a joint statement that the development plan is going to undermine the system that has been conserving the Deep Bay wetlands in the past 30 years.
We call for an amendment to the San Tin Technopole development plan before it is too late, to avoid destroying the internationally important wetlands in Deep Bay and the reputation of China in the presidency of the 15th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

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Deep Bay in northwest Hong Kong is a wetland of international importance, a magnet for migratory waterbirds.
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Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve is a key part of the internationally important Deep Bay wetland
Facebook post by Lam Chiu-ying:
“I have an article in Ming Pao today: showing the futility of Trillion-$ projects in maintaining economic growth** and advocating the shelving and indeed scraping both mega-projects viz. the artificial island as well as the “Innovation & Technology Park” located on San Tin wetlands. (** see figure in “comments)
//The government has inherited two controversial mega-projects from the previous government: the artificial island of Lantau Island and the “Innovation and Technology Park” onSan Tin wetlands (note: not the entire San Tin Technopole project). The former is most probably a $1 trillion project with many problems . The latter involves filling up nearly a hundred hectares of fish pond wetlands. Wetlands with high ecological value cannot recover once construction begins, which undermines the establishment of national ecological civilization. Both are projects that cannot be undone once “the hair gets wet”. At this time of financial difficulties, we must not put Hong Kong in such situations ignoring the costs. Therefore, we seriously recommend that the government shelve the artificial islands and the Innovation and Technology Park on the San Tin wetlands in drafting next year’s budget. Indeed from the perspectives of of ecology and disaster prevention, both projects should be scraped completely.//”
Ming Pao article here: https://news.mingpao.com/pns/%e5%89%af%e5%88%8a/article/20250119/s00005/1737216533308/%e5%91%a8%e6%97%a5%e8%a9%b1%e9%a1%8c-%e8%b2%a1%e6%94%bf%e8%b5%a4%e5%ad%97%e6%80%9d%e8%80%83-%e5%9f%ba%e5%bb%ba%e5%b7%a5%e7%a8%8b%e8%88%87%e7%b6%93%e6%bf%9f%e7%99%bc%e5%b1%95%e7%9a%84%e7%a5%9e%e8%a9%b1%e7%a0%b4%e6%bb%85