Objection to proposed road tunnel to Mui Wo on Lantau island

Home » Posts » Objection to proposed road tunnel to Mui Wo on Lantau island

While the Hong Kong government has touted ideas for “development in the north” and “conservation in the south” of Lantau, it seems more hell-bent on development: even an “eco-corridor” for the south seems to involve only development, zero boost for natural environment.

Just a few days ago [during October 2024], with only a couple of weeks for comments, announced consideration of a road tunnel from north to Mui Wo, which would be damaging at Mui Wo, and lead to more traffic, surely more than the current road systems could handle.

I’ve sent an email to object, to Lands Department and “Sustainable” Lantau Office of CEDD; yes, surely useless but I sent it:

I write to strongly object to the proposed tunnel to Mui Wo.

As you realise, this is an absurd project that will wreck way too much of the Mui Wo coastline, and is unnecessary, while contradicting the notions for “conservation in the south” of Lantau.

Surely politically driven, with ill-conceived ideas for developing Lantau never mind Hong Kong’s economic situation etc etc; or the value of relatively natural areas.

Plus, only a teeny tiny time period given for people to object; indicating the government plans to railroad the project through, never mind the objections and commonsense.

The “Sustainable” Lantau Office, in particular, should be ashamed of being involved in this.

Should do better; but you know that too.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Martin Williams


Dear Martin,

We refer to your email dated 22 October 2024 addressing to the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD), expressing your concern about the notice issued by the Lands Department for the temporary land allocation for the proposed ground investigation works at Mui Wo.

CEDD commenced the consultancy study entitled “Feasibility Study on Road Network Enhancement to South Lantau – Feasibility Study” (The Study) in 2023 with a view to improving the road connection between North and South Lantau, and the resilience of the road network under emergency situations.  The Study is still underway and expected to be completed in mid-2025.

We are currently exploring various improvement schemes under the Study.  The purpose of the subject temporary land allocation is for our contractor to carry out ground investigation works at the concerned area for acquiring knowledge of its site characteristics.  Such information is needed for us to develop the improvement schemes.

Please be advised that your comments and concerns raised in your email are well noted, and will be taken into consideration in the Study.  

If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact Mr. Jason AU at 2157 3124.  If no reply is received within 14 days, we will assume that the objection has been resolved.


Sustainable Lantau Office
Civil Engineering and Development Department

Given that last sentence, I just replied:


Objection not resolved; hence I am emailing, though a fat lot of use I’m sure. [Just woeful to suggest that if I don’t reply to your email, the issue is magically resolved!]

Should be no such study, if “conservation in the south” is sincere intention of government.



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