Mobile phone apps for Hong Kong Outdoors

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Free smartphone apps that can be helpful for heading outdoors in Hong Kong.

My Observatory (我的天文台)

Best of all, I think, is this app from Hong Kong Observatory: provides extensive information that can be a boon whilst outdoors. Such as radar images, to help show where rainstorms are and how they are moving.

Available for iPhones, Android, as well as web version: My Observatory.

Enjoy Hiking

One of the apps from the Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department.

I’ve only tried it briefly. Sees the app itself is very basic; to obtain maps etc, you can select trails you want, then opt for the downloads that include information plus map(s): these downloads can be large, so take care if they may make a dent in your phone bill.

I tried for Chi Ma Wan Country Trail; thought the map was only very simple, not too useful for actually hiking the route. Better, then, to have a paper map.

This and other apps including on Hong Kong Geopark are on the AFCD website: Mobile Apps.

Hiking Trail HK

Mainly features maps showing a host of trails across Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Explorer

Map guide, with focus on bus routes. You can search for buses, such as by entering start and end of routes. I’ve barely used, but did try looking for Hok Tau to Fanling – a relatively obscure rural route; it indeed found info on minibus serving this.


There are several flashlight apps available. Very useful for turning your phone into a torch, such as if you find yourself out hiking far later than expected.


Again several compass apps are available; well worth having in your phone in case needed.

Survival Guide

I’ve downloaded a US army Survival Guide. As yet, haven’t needed the info – but it’s something that may come in useful, particularly in the event of emergency. Checking online, I also see there’s an SAS Survival Guide available.


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