Hong Kong’s Dangerous Air

The Hong Kong Government seems to be downplaying or misinformed about the health impacts of our air pollution, Chief Executive Donald Tsang has even said: “It is a question of visibility.”

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The Hong Kong Government seems to be downplaying or misinformed about the health impacts of our air pollution, Chief Executive Donald Tsang has even said: “It is a question of visibility.”

Please Sign Petition re Hong Kong’s Air Quality Objectives

Hong Kong has commissioned a consultancy company to investigate how the city’s Air Quality Objectives should be changed and to collect public opinion on this issue before November 30.

Please sign the Greenpeace China petition to add your voice to those who are calling on the Hong Kong government to start grading air quality with the same standards that the World Health Organisation uses, to commit to adopting the most stringent air quality standards, and to draw up a plan with a firm timetable that will ensure that Hong Kong people can start breathing clean and safe air.
Even if you have already signed, please forward this message to others.

請馬上參加 綠色和平中國的簽名行動,加多一把聲音要求香港政府盡快按照世界衛生組織的標準來評定本港的空氣質素,承諾採納最嚴格的空氣質素標準,並訂立計劃及確實的時間表,確保香港市民能呼吸清新潔淨的空氣。即使您已經簽了請願書,也請您將這呼籲轉寄給其他人士。

Hong Kong’s Dangerous Air 香港空氣危及生命

The Hong Kong Government seems to be downplaying or misinformed about the health impacts of our air pollution, Chief Executive Donald Tsang has even said: “It is a question of visibility.”
In fact, the particulates in air pollution aren’t just dust, they carry metals like iron, nickel, copper and lead – and the fine ones can penetrate deep into the lungs. The impacts are especially severe for growing lungs: studies have shown that children who live in polluted communities have reduced lung function – and breathing capacity limited for a lifetime.
Each year, perhaps 2800 people per year die prematurely in Hong Kong as a result of air pollution. So today, at least another seven will die. Their only crime: breathing.

事實上,空氣污染又何止塵埃那麼簡單,污濁的空氣帶有多種金屬細塵,譬如鐵、鎳、銅、鉛 - 而細微的金屬塵更可深入我們的肺葉,成長中肺葉的影響尤為嚴重:多項研究顯示居住於空氣污染的社區的兒童(只供英文版),肺功能較弱 - 呼吸量終生受到限制。

Sources of more information include Clear the Air and Hong Kong Outdoors pollution forum; Greenpeace has a page showing real time Hong Kong air quality compared to WHO standards [extinct by Sept 2012]; you might also want to check out Cleaning Indoor Air.
想瞭解更多本港空氣污染的資料,請到訪「爭氣行動」(Clear the Air(只供英文版)Hong Kong Outdoors污染論壇(只供英文版);綠色和平亦設有網頁即時顯示香港空氣質素,對比世界衛生組織的標準 您亦可瀏覽Cleaning Indoor Air (只供英文版)。

Message drafted by Dr Martin Williams, founder of Hong Kong Outdoors. Thanks to Martin Turner for extensive comments that helped with revisions.
本函由Hong Kong Outdoors 網站創辦人Martin Williams博士撰稿。特別鳴謝Martin Turner先生的寶貴意見,經多次修訂後,本函內容更加顯充實。
The air filter in the photo was used over two years from October 2006, chiefly in autumn and winter, overwhelmingly only at night and in a closed bedroom. This was on Cheung Chau – relatively far from the city. Compare with new filter, below!
相片內的隔塵網自2006年起使用,歷時超過兩年,主要於秋季與冬季使用,在密閉的睡房通宵使用。地點是長洲 - 距離市區較遠。


  1. air pollution
    I agree completely with what you say Martin. The air in HK is an absolute disgrace and the authorities should be ashamed they’re not doing enough to solve the problems.

  2. air pollution
    I think we should all take action by not smoking and taking public transport instead of using our cars. I haven’t got a car because we’re very environmentally-friendly and we take public transport everyday. I mean, really, what’s the use?

  3. air filter

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