HK sea fishing

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Welcome to Hong Kong’s first ever offshore and deepsea fishing forum.

Due to fishermen trade secrets we can’t tell you exactly where we fish, but we can certainly tell you what we caught!

Asiatic Marine has a variety of fishing charters available to a wide range of people [update: currently not operational; but who knows in near future…]. All charters include fishing gear, lures, tuition (for all levels), snacks and drinks.

We also teach ‘beginners trolling’:learn how to read charts, tie knots, use lures and most importantly talk about the biggest fish that got away.

If you don’t believe there are monster fish in these waters then look very closely at this image. These Chinese Seer fish (mackerel family) were caught 30 kms south of Aberdeen. We know where and when they migrate.

Email: Asiatic Marine or contact Charlie Frew: [email protected] [currently based in Malaysia]

There were a number of coastal, deepsea or offshore sites we visited. These include:

Pedro Blanco
Oil Rigs
Dirty Water / tidal change
COI Buoy

Overnight Deepsea Fishing Expedition –
2 days fishing at offshore islands and COI buoy. Overnight in clean but basic hotel in fishing village. Option to walk around island and learn about Hong Kong’s famous pirate…

All trips are weather and tide/current dependant.

LATEST NEWS! May/June 2007
Winds are changing eratically from NE to SW.  Rains also coming in along with warmer water temps now at 23C.  Clear waters so great time for trolling when winds die down.

Tuesday 06 September 2006

Flat seas out at Victor Rock and fairly busy with ground fishers and trollling.  Caught and released a small sized Spanish Mackerel

Saturday 28 May 2006
Headed out to Victor Rock – slight chop in SE F4 conditions. Tuna Mackerel jumping all over the place – 3 hits but unable to tease the mackerel from within the stock

Monday 16 May 2006
Glassy conditions and murky waters over at Victor Rock.

Sunday 09 January 2005
Morning departure to Ninepins in search of migratory mackerel. Strong winds and at least 6-8 ft swells. Trolled and then headed into Wang Chau area.

Saturday August 14 2004
Early morning departure to Pedro Blanco, via Smugglers Rock in Mainland China. Slight swell and surfce chop.
Trolled for over 3 hrs catching 25 lb mackerel and a few little tunas. Saw a couple of storm twisters in the late afternoon.

Sunday 11 July 2004
Whilst I was out diving at one of the fishing spots in the Lemas, i was overcome with complete awe when between 50-100 Seer Fish came cruising past. Now these fish are usually here over the winter months, but since the water temperature was down in the low 20’s they decided to pay me a visit. The fish averaged 4-5 ft long – -all of them. Imagine if the lures were out…..

Sunday 18 July 2004
Headed out to the COI Buoy, basically a ‘FAD’ Fish Aggregating Device, harbouring schools of rainbow runners, hamachi and little tuna. There is bigger action to be found here for sure. This place is great for an overnight package.

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    • Squid Fishing in HK

      Anyone have any information on squid fishing in HK?

      I know it generally takes place during winter time

      Looking to join as a small group (as opposed to a corporate hire)


  1. Hi there looking for a trip for 15-20 adults for a week, leaving Hong Kong and trying out a few oil rigs, lema islands. Could you give me a quotation thanks

    • Sorry, but Charles is not currently operating the sea fishing trips.

      I know some birders have been out on a HK fishing boat – from Aberdeen – for an overnight trip to an oil rig; but still not as you are hoping for.

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