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More sites by Hong Kong Outdoors founder and webmaster Dr Martin Williams

Cheung Chau HK
Cheung Chau – a small but fascinating island in Hong Kong (where I live)

DocMartin – Hong Kong based writer, photographer and videographer
Travel, conservation, inspiring people; along with a host of photos

Websites on the wilder side of Hong Kong. Please let me know if you have a relevant site, and would like to exchange links.

Alliance for a Beautiful Hong Kong
Promotes aesthetic values and the integrity of the natural environment in Hong Kong’s public areas, both urban and rural, by being keen guardians of natural beauty where it exists and demanding good design in man-made structures.

Association for Geoconservation Hong Kong
Aiming to preserve Hong Kong’s geological heritage

Dod’s Diving and Marine Conservation Blog

By Dod O’Dwyer; reflects him being based in Hong Kong, but spans Asia (and beyond).

Friends of Sai Kung
A not-for-profit community organisation which seeks to preserve and improve the quality of life of Sai Kung people and to protect the unique environment of Sai Kung for the benefit of Hong Kong and its visitors.

Green Power
Hong Kong ngo, focused on conservation education, inc re local butterflies, trees and rivers.
Green Sense 環保觸覺 – 調查, 監察, 點出有違環保現象, 提高大眾環保意識及觸覺 (

Green Sense was founded in 2004. We aim to highlight environmentally unfriendly practices in society. We enhance environmental consciousness by education and publicity. (Site in Chinese)

Hike in Hong Kong! (
Aims to become the ultimate resource for hiking in Hong Kong. Though can seem more about hill running than hiking at leisurely pace!
Info on hiking, hikes and hiking guidebooks re Hong Kong. – 香港生態旅遊 Ecological Tourism of Hong Kong
Promoting family hiking fun in Hong Kong (in Chinese).

HKWildlife.Net Forum 香港自然生態論壇 
Packed with posts, especially with photos of Hong Kong animals

Hong Kong Boulder Trackways
When you have been out walking or running in Hong Kong’s rural areas and country parks, you will probably have found yourself on a path made out of boulders laid closely together without any cement or concrete. These are what remain of a network of ancient roads and paths and their associated stone bridges and waymarkers linking the major townships and villages with each other and inter-linking ferry routes. They are difficult to date but are probably centuries old and have survived because they were so sensibly and practically constructed.

Hong Kong Climbing

Site with info on Hong Kong climbing routes, including at Shek O, on Lion Rock, and Black Kite Crag and Eagle Crag on Lantau.

Hong Kong Discovery 野 外 動 向 
A bilingual and bimonthly magazine, which covers the latest news on our nature, culture and other outdoor activities (site has far more info in Chinese than in English)

Hong Kong Dolphinwatch 

An amateur group organising a range of hikes throughout the territory. Welcomes residents and visitors of all levels of fitness and experience to join in exploring the great Hong Kong countryside.

The territory’s longest established nature tour company, Hong Kong Dolphinwatch specialises in tours to the waters off north Lantau, in search of Chinese white dolphins, which are pink when adult.
Hong Kong Hikers

A group of friends who enjoy exploring Hong Kong’s countryside; arranges walks that are open to all. 

Hong Kong Trampers

Living Islands Movement 
Founded in response to barmy plans for a mega-prison on an islet off Lantau, the Living Islands Movement now has grander aims including, “To encourage the enrichment and animation of the islands of Hong Kong by sensitive and sustainable development.”
Living Seas Hong Kong 勃勃海洋 
Working to protect Hong Kong’s marine environment 

Oasis Trek
Hiking in Hong Kong, covering routes with photos; info primarily in Chinese, but includes an English section. 

Roz’s Hiking Pages

Includes info on hiking in HK; also on group hikes you can join.
Steen Heilesen’s photostream

Photos by Steen Heilesen, including forest plants and animals in Hong Kong

The University of Hong Kong, Division of Landscape Architecture Digital Arboretum

Database featuring hundreds of short videos about Hong Kong’s fascinating diversity of trees and other plants. 

Sites on Hong Kong, especially living in the city

Gwulo: Old Hong Kong
For everyone interested in old Hong Kong.

RC Outfitters
One of the leading outdoor shops in Hong Kong. Stores in Mong Kok and Causeway Bay.

All Downhill from Here
Wide ranging blog by Andrew Hardacre, a Hong Kong based photographer who especially focuses on the wilder side of the territory, including birds.

Avibase – the World Bird Database 

An extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing over 4.5 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including distribution information, taxonomy, synonyms in several languages and more. 

Birds Korea

WBK (Wild Birds Korea, in English) is a humongous, extremely impressive site – featuring conservation action, info on birding and bird tours in Korea.
In Motion Asia

Taiwan based outdoor adventure company specializing in adventure tours, corporate events, youth programs, and event management services.

Where do you want to go birding today? 
Birding hotspots around the world.

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One comment

  1. Hi Martin,

    Just wondering if this website is suitable for this links list. It has 1000+ videos of HK plants and trees which I did for my students at HKU Division of Landscape Architecture during Covid.


    Gavin 96713057

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