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  • in reply to: Beautiful Lantau – and the Concrete Plans #7881

    got larger jpg files of the Lantau maps, for up to A3 printing

    just added files for A4 printing to the article on the maps

    Post edited by: martin, at: 2006/05/02 13:01

    in reply to: save our trails campaign #7879

    email from Shaun Horrocks, one of the campaign founders:

    the more research we are doing the more we are finding evidence that it is the other depts that are to blame – although afcd are no saints their overezealous mainantence of trails (removing of all the rocks imbedded on lady clementis for example) are by far a lot less destructive than say the WSD

    thanks for this

    There doesnt appear to be an overall governing body that monitors all the different depts – this seem improbable but the EPD only seem to look at the bigger picture

    in reply to: Eco-tourism stifled in Hong Kong #7515

    email I’ve just circulated to members of HK Coalition on Sustainable Tourism, replying to quick flurry of emails after Paul Zimmerman reported on meeting w Travel Industry Council (TIC):

    ” The issue of “specialized tour guide” has yet to be formally discussed at the TIC.”
    – this shows the TIC has near zero interest in sustainable tourism of “ecotourism” (in very broad sense, ie inc culture, nature)

    This, perhaps, is as things should be – TIC is focused on mass market (yes, very retro).

    But helps show that tourism structure here is not at all suited to developing sustainable tourism, of ecotourism sort (with aims of benefiting local environment, communities).

    For local tours, impetus should perhaps come from consumers. While people are happy with crap “ecotours” (to Tung Ping Chau, Deep Bay etc), that’s what they’ll continue getting. Education a big part of it; seems to me local “ecotours” still novel here, so maybe people figure it ok to go in big group led by some folk who occasionally speak thro megaphones.
    May be scope here for, say, trying for media articles on what makes for a half-decent ecotour, and for a crap tour. (decent tours inc not grabbing lots of animals in rock pools, as I’m concerned may happen Tung Ping Chau)
    Did see a guy quoted in paper as saying a Hoi Ha trip was useless; so there’s scope for creating change here.

    Market forces important
    – though I know this isn’t thought true by many in Hong Kong today, but anyway

    Tour companies not essential for ecotourism. People can go by selves; witness the many thousands of Hongkongers heading to countryside each weekend and public holiday. With decent info, even some overseas visitors can go by selves. People interested in ecotourism rather more likely to be independent minded; indeed may prefer to hike, visit villages and temples etc at own pace.
    HK facilities are good to superb by comparison with many places – think of superb facilities in country parks, inc the trail system. (what other city – anywhere – can rival this?). But companies can play important roles, esp for less independently-minded people.

    Promotion important. I believe one reason hiking now popular w Japanese groups is promotion to Japanese market. Then, people have visited, hiked, enjoyed it and passed on info – also v important, esp for tourism of this kind (without huge advertising dollars, word of mouth esp important).

    Glad Paul met TIC.

    When had FirstStep Nature Tours, we joined TIC (as seemed only way could continue getting some promotion thro HKTB).
    All we got from TIC/members were a bag and an infinite number of junk emails.

    As part of joining, we joined HATA. For this, got lobbied for vote in TIC election (duly voted, Paul Leung won, but since done nothing for sustainable tourism – and why should he, he’s mass market guy?); had cheap trip to Thailand for conference w some uninteresting talks, albeit met one or two contacts.

    Again – shows that travel structure here no use for good ecotourism development here (and ecotourism isn’t just a “narrow range of interests” – spans a broad spectrum, much of what we discuss re sustainable tourism).

    These points not new.
    We talk but don’t progress.

    in reply to: Hong Kong suffers Chronic Air Pollution #7658

    Friends of the Earth has an online petition, imploring local power companies to clean up emissions (and do more than just bombard us with adverts showing blue skies – let’s see some actual blue skies!)

    Not sure if there’s cut-off date.



    in reply to: Hong Kong suffers Chronic Air Pollution #7657

    article on Xinhua about air pollution in HK:

    Hong Kong is famous for its harbor scenery, green mountains and blue sky, but they are now giving way to heavy smog, which not only choked the city but also made colors faded into a depressed grey.

    The Environmental Protection Department of Hong Kong said Tuesday that 23 pollution convictions were recorded in February and more than half of the convictions were under the Air Pollution Control Ordinance.

    According to the Friends of the Earth, an environment protecting organization, the number of low visibility days at the Hong Kong International Airport, where tourists get the first impression of the city, reached a record high last year. And the number of clear days in the downtown area is even less.

    Emissions of vehicles and power plants, as well as pollutants from the Pearl River Delta are considered the main reasons for the bad air of the city.

    A survey published by Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Lung Foundation said that 30 percent of elderly citizens over the age of 70 complained about respiratory problems in 2003 because of bad air, compared with 4.9 percent in 1991. The percentage has risen six times within 12 years.

    Respiratory experts have called on the government to take immediate measures in air pollution control, including a smoking ban in all catering services by 2007, the most difficult part for Hong Kong’s long delayed dream of smoke free.

    More experts are concerned that the severe air pollution will not only harm the health of the public but also damage the image of Hong Kong’s tourism industry, an important source of revenue for the city.

    Friends of the Earth said it has interviewed 129 tour guides between March 8 and 10, during which half of the interviewees rated the air quality of Hong Kong as either severe or very severeand nearly 40 percent said tourists had complained about air pollution.

    A spokesman for Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department said Monday that the government is determined to achieve the emission targets by cooperation with neighboring Guangdong Province.

    The governments of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Guangdong have agreed to reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2),nitrogen oxides (NOx), respirable suspended particulates (RSP) andvolatile organic compounds (VOC) by 40 percent, 20 percent, 55 percent and 55 percent, respectively by the year of 2010.

    For the electricity generation, the biggest source of air pollution in Hong Kong, the Department has asked power companies to accelerate emission reduction projects, increase the use of ultra-low sulfur coal and use natural gas for power generation as much as possible.

    Meanwhile, a large scale of educational campaign of anti-smoke is launched this month in catering service industry in order to reach the target of eliminating smoking in all catering places in Hong Kong by the year of 2007.

    The Department also planned to pursue additional measures in its struggle for better air, such as introducing Euro IV emission standards to newly-registered vehicles.

    Choked Hong Kong fights for better air

    in reply to: Shalotung superb for scenery, and easy strolling #7876

    Hi Annie:

    Yes, a lovely place.
    Hope you make the trip, and enjoy it; maybe post a message about your visit.


    in reply to: A Sustainable Development Plan for Lantau #7774

    Ms Ho Pui Han of the Tai O Environmental Association has very kindly sent me a Chinese translation of the Sustainable Development Plan for Lantau (much of the translation done by her friend Wong Lai Fun):





    因此,本「另擬概念計劃書」現就大嶼山提出一些發展計劃建議。我提議這些發展計劃,背後所秉持的看法與「美麗大嶼山」(一個包括多個關注大嶼山未來發展的團體聯盟) 的基本看法相同,正如《概念計劃》所提倡的可持續發展一樣,本計劃書所概述的計劃亦以達至可持續發展為目標。《概念計劃》沒有界定何謂「可持續發展」,一些批評者指責《概念計劃》把其意視作繼續發展。在本計劃中,可持續發展的定義是:









    《概念計劃》提出多項計劃的建議,有些明顯異常矛盾,例如深入城巿化,包括在旅遊發展計劃的地點 (在原先預留予發展「遊客天堂」的一片沿海土地,見「大嶼山北岸發展計劃的可行性研究」) 附近擴建新巿鎮和發展物流。



    1. 旅遊業 – 涉及海外旅客及港人 – 對大嶼山已是舉足輕重,而且隨著昂平360[纜車]及香港迪士尼樂園開幕,必定變得更加重要。

    2. 由於旅遊業不須作出大規模的城巿化發展 ─ 事實上這些發展更可能令遊客卻步 ─ 故此會是該島達致可持續發展的關鍵。但必要條件是島上環境不受損害,而且為當地社群帶來實際利益,即有了廣義的可持續發展的旅遊業,為當地社群帶來實際利益。

    3. 大嶼山有不少潛能足以作可持續的旅遊發展,包括文化、遠足及戶外運動、自然旅遊,甚至沙灘康體活動。所有這些潛能,或多或少都存在;只要有妥善周詳的策劃及管理以保護環境免受損害,這一切都可以大加發展。

    4. 在香港其他地方的旅遊業都會從大嶼山的可持續發展受惠,部分原因是大嶼山是通往香港的門戶,美麗的綠色大嶼山會提升旅客對香港的印象;再者,推廣大嶼山的其他旅遊點,將令香港成為一個更吸引旅客的地方。

    5. 有效的可持續旅遊業,會為大嶼山的本地社群帶來裨益,有助扭轉諸如梅窩等地方的經濟下滑局面。

    6. 如大嶼山獲得良好保護,加上強勁的可持續旅遊業,亦可為香港巿民帶來裨益,提供一個現成的遠離鬧巿繁囂的避靜之所。尤其是在非典型肺炎疫症過後,香港巿民多了從事戶外康樂活動,當中數個主要活動地點都位於大嶼山。

    7. 因珠江三角洲多處正受到急劇、考慮不周及極不可持續的發展所害,故大嶼山亦可為珠三角其他地方的人提供度避靜之所。

    8. 為與旅遊業配合,可作其他可持續發展,例如發展有機種植、生產及展覽藝術及工藝品、文化表演及體育運動。

    9. 其他好處還包括大大改善有關設施,教育香港人(尤其是學童)認識自己的文化遺產及本土自然歷史。


    以下是一些有助確保在大嶼山可持續發展的計劃例子,當中包括取自「大嶼山發展概念計劃」、「船園 」、立法會議員陳偉業的意見書及其他團體和個人的意見。










    東涌地區的歷史名勝包括東涌堡及東涌炮臺,兩者均可改為博物館 – 甚至加上把歷史(例如皇家軍隊與海盜船之間的歷史)重新展示。

    由於臭名遠播的海盜張保仔的艦隊在赤_角對開海面被打敗,東涌極有潛質改作博物館 – 是設置「活博物館」的理想地點,可用真人打扮成過去的邪惡人物。(周潤發將在下一集的加勒比海盜中扮演張保仔,儘管電影情節偏離歷史事實[宣傳資料稱他是15世紀而不是19世紀的人],但將令更多人認識張保仔。)


    鄰近候王廟是_頭,這是一處具特殊科學價值之地,亦是當地養殖大閘蟹的地點之一。它與候王廟、東涌河及舊稻米田,可一起使東涌西面包括東涌灣一帶 (這處不應填平)變成一處吸引遊人及當地居民的地點。這亦可成為由東涌乘搭登山纜車的人起始所見景觀。不過,為了保護_頭的生物多樣化價值,必須有完善的管理。









    可以在大嶼山的主要進入點(例如梅窩及東涌)設立遊客諮詢中心。這些中心不須美輪美奐,例如在梅窩 – 至少初時 – 便可只增加漁農自然護理署的資訊站所提供的資料。

    翻新 梅窩逐漸沒落;但如它再次對遊客有吸引力便可扭轉情況。梅窩有很多吸引人的地方 ─ 它有一個理想環境、鄉郊特色及美麗的海灘。


    名勝古跡 梅窩有一些差不多已坍塌的舊瞭望塔可以重修。本來已有一些小徑穿過這個地區,但豎立一些較清晰的指示牌,可指引遊客如何穿過這些建築、果園、田野及小村莊,然後到銀礦灣瀑布,這個瀑布景色優美,而且容易前往,只是未有加以推廣。大可以增加一些適合人們步行及乘腳踏車前往的史蹟徑。



    梅窩濕地保護區 梅窩的沼澤和魚塘受到冷待,渠務工程及逐漸填平濕地都對它帶來不良影響。不過,它們仍然吸引野生生物,這_有白鷺等雀鳥。這一帶可以隨時改成小型濕地保育區,並加上遊客設施,例如隱藏觀賞處(隱蔽處)及小徑制度。人們可以在這_輕易觀賞到大型水鳥,例如白鷺及鷺鳥。這_亦會有罕見品種,這點亦會令大嶼山更吸引遊客。




    漁村 大澳已是旅遊景點,只要再加推廣,以及受惠於遊客被吸引前往昂平,可以大幅提高整體的遊客數字 - 但為了取得平衡,以免在任何時候這條村被遊客擠得水泄不通(周六及周日及公眾假期的高峰期人數可能已達或接近最高可容客量;星期一至五或許尚能容納多些遊客)。減少擠塞或許有方法,例如延長遊客的旅遊路線、設置指示牌等方法,使大部分遊客朝一個方向行走,諸如作順時針方向環行。


    濕地 除了大澳,還有紅樹林及小沼澤和昔日的鹽田。這些地方都獲得一些保護,另外更在進行種植紅樹林的工作。持續的積極管理可以使這些濕地獲得更大改善。


    民族文物館 可以建立民族文物館介紹大澳的傳統生活方式,包括捕魚及抽鹽的方法。這至少部分可以作為活的博物館 ─ 例如有人賣魚乾,像當地人一代一代的做法。[這個館可以由現有的小型文物館發展而成,或者乾脆向目前的文物館持有人提供經濟援助。]

    悟園 悟園是香港一處獨一無二的地方 ─ 也可能在全球獨一無二。它或許可算是香港的愚昧之處:它是一個中國式的景觀園林,築有鯉魚池,位置遠離道路(但旁有一條主要遠足徑),環境怡人,最適合遊覽。

    其建築雖然有些破敗,但若加協助,當可加以修葺。這處有很大可能變得更加吸引遊客,比如設置茶室 ─ 如中式茶室,或者住宿地方,並且改善園林,在園內集中種植大嶼山及華南的植物群。這些發展應是小規模進行的,並作出一些保護措施,確保環境不受損害(包括確保河水不受污染)。

    分流 – 鄰近大浪灣




    長沙是香港最美麗的海灘之一 ─ 由於它正位處一條大路旁,故更為突出。不過,它的使用率相對不足,原因或許是差不多很少人認識。

















    1. 個別地方的承受能力。評估承受能力是困難的事,也有些主觀。不過,必須小心確保遊客不會蜂擁至有關地方,破壞原本吸引遊客的自然美景。這對那些易受影響的地方,例如建議興建的自然保育區及悟園,尤其重要;這些地方或許需要購票入場。
    2. 污水處理及排污設施必須足夠。
    3. 交通需要考慮。必須強調使用最少量交通工具來滿足遊客及當地人的需求,小輪可以擔當有用的角色。除了車輛外,小輪可以提供方便又景色優美的交通工具;沿岸鄉村的小型碼頭可以帶遊客進來使這些社區增加生氣。增添較佳的巴士 (或者小型旅遊巴士之類)較增添的士為宜。
    4. 在鄉郊地區的住宿地方應屬小型地方,以與環境配合,並且可以確保留宿者真正享受到鄉郊環境之樂 ─ 可以與小島渡假勝地(例如在泰國的)相比,不同之處是大嶼山的建築物可以有一種地方特色。另外,亦可以用一些地方物料(例如竹子)來興建住宿地方。



    不過,這些景點只有很少宣傳或完全沒有宣傳 ─ 很多甚至鮮為香港人認識。因此,可以為大嶼山紛繁多樣的景觀加強宣傳。我建議成立一個大嶼山旅遊推廣協會 ─ 或離島旅遊推廣協會;這可有助商業機構改善遊客服務(例如令小型食肆提供的餐牌中英文兼備;確保宿舍至少達至最起碼的住宿標準),以及可宣傳景點,包括透過互聯網的途徑。


    大嶼山發展概念計劃:諮詢摘要   大嶼山發展專責小組
    船園 ─ 大嶼山可持續發展構想
    大嶼山保育策略  綠色大嶼山協會、長春社、地球之友、綠色力量、香港海洋環境保護協會、世界自然(香港)基金會
    美麗大嶼山  包括「綠色大嶼山協會」、「爭氣行動」、「保護海港協會」等團體



    Martin Williams博士
    [email protected],電話:2981 3523

    保育局總監James Lazell致南華早報的信件內容:

    我最近得以細讀Martin Williams為大嶼山構寫的保育及環保旅遊發展的計劃。相對於政府目前的計劃來看,他構想的是個可供選用的出色計劃,而政府的計劃我相信反會導致不能持續,並且破壞生態的發展。




    James Lazell博士

    Post edited by: martin, at: 2006/03/14 02:13

    in reply to: Cheung Chau holiday flats, Hong Kong #7646

    well, ambulance hadn’t seemed like a car to me
    also some small fire engine thingies – and a full size fire engine (at least, I think the full size one is still around; hasn’t done much that I’ve ever seen, and I haven’t noticed it lately)


    in reply to: Tamar – HK Govt aesthetics rooted in concrete #7834

    from another circular from Christine Loh:

    1. DT (=Donald Tsang) wants Tamar: Comments of self-glorification are surfacing since the government cannot justify taking the largest and best piece of land for offices when there are other ways to add space. Government refused to release a 1990s report on in situ expansion. Legislators want it because they can then assess whether spending HK$4.5 billion is truly necessary.

    2. Other criticisms emerging: No responsible organisation moves offices without an intensive review of existing space and needs, which has not been done.

    3. Is it worth it?: Having lost West Kowloon, is it worth having another punch-up on another poorly thought out project? Some commentators say DT cannot afford to lose Tamar because he already lost West Kowloon, which is strange logic.

    4. Express strong government: Does DT think “strong government” needs to be expressed through a large expensive complex?

    5. History lessons: Ancient rulers (pharaohs/emperors) built amazing structures to glorify their reigns. Outstanding modern political leaders give their people freedom, equality, democracy, far-sighted policies etc. DT has a choice.

    in reply to: Buying maps in Hong Kong #7875

    Hi Ferry: Many thanks for the comment; great you like the site, and that you’re returning to HK to include plenty of hiking. A plug first: my Hong Kong Pathfinder book is available in several bookshops here. Then: there’s an excellent series of maps, in the Countryside Series, published by the HK Government (made by Lands Department). They’re in several shops; but can also find in government’s Murray Building, just below lower Peak Tram Station. Current map titles: Hong Kong Island & Neighbouring Islands Lantau Island & Neighbouring Islands North West New Territories North East & Central New Territories Sai Kung & Clear Water Bay Outlying Islands [though islands now covered in other, newer maps] page with info on the maps here: Hope you have a great time here! Martin

    in reply to: Lantau Trail – Ngong Ping to Sham Wat Road #7874

    Hi Frank: Glad this route appeals to you. The section of Lantau Trail around 4km, 1.25hrs says AFCD

    Can reach the trail in well under half an hour from Po Lin Monastery. Martin

    in reply to: Tunnel may thwart mega bridge plans – hooray! #7872

    Just heard Ming Pao article yesterday said bridge to definitely start next year. Mind you, was to start end of last year, early this year. Well advanced Zhuhai side, though.

    – also relevant to bridge: South China Morning Post today reported on Macau currently having problems obtaining enough freshwater. The Bloody Big Bridge is largely aimed at helping Zhuhai develop; so water woes will only increase. How sustainable is this?!

    in reply to: Tunnel may thwart mega bridge plans – hooray! #7871

    S China Morning Post had item today saying the govt reckons the tunnel won’t stop the Bloody Big Bridge.
    Also Jake vd K suggesting Shenzhen may have suggested the tunnel as attempt to scupper bridge plans, as maybe will reduce some revenues for Shenzhen.

    Seems a situation of One Country, Many Governments!

    Post edited by: martin, at: 2006/02/14 09:59

    in reply to: Hong Kong suffers Chronic Air Pollution #7654

    Hong Kong Marathon just held – and led to some bad publicity for Hong Kong, highlighting local air pollution.
    By no means first time air pollution here has been focus of media attention; still, can but hope it will help nudge authorities towards more action, less talk.

    Excerpts from Reuters item, here on Boston Globe site:

    HONG KONG (Reuters) – Twenty-two people were taken to hospital, two in critical condition, after taking part in Hong Kong’s biggest marathon as the territory was hit by the worst air pollution in months, the government said on Monday.

    A record 40,000 people took part in Sunday’s Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon and many complained of the thick smog which obscured the Tsing Ma Bridge, a key landmark along the route.

    Of the two runners who were critically ill, one collapsed near the finish in Wanchai, an area where the air pollution index (API) soared to nearly 150, the highest level since September 2005. The other collapsed not far from the Tsing Ma Bridge.
    … an expert in Hong Kong urged people not to underestimate the effects of bad air during strenuous exercise.
    “Pollution may have been the cause because of the high level of suspended particulates. For people with a history of asthma, polluted air can cause tightness in the chest,” said medical doctor Lo Winglok.
    “It is not surprising at all that these people could suffer from cardiac or respiratory related problems,” he said.
    However, Choi Kin, president of the Hong Kong Medical Association, said the condition of the two men was more likely to be linked to their level of fitness rather than air quality.

    Hong Kong’s air quality has deteriorated badly in recent years. On many days of the year, the former British colony handed back to China in 1997 is shrouded in smog and people can hardly see across the famous Victoria Harbour.
    Environmentalists blame the air pollution on emissions from vehicles in the territory and factories in southern China.

    Two runners critically ill after HK marathon

    Just checking air pollution indices – which are being published, and High; even at Tap Mun, out in Tolo Harbour in eastern New Territories: so, seems we’re in regional, Pearl River Delta pollution.
    [and govt wants to build major highway from Zhuhai and lots of associated infrastructure…]

    Post edited by: martin, at: 2006/02/14 01:18

    in reply to: Arctic wildlife headed for Ocean Park #7869

    American Zoos Assocition has a report re visitor learning at zoos

    I haven’t read, but just seen in email:

    The Aza conclusion: "Little to no systematic research has been conducted on the impact of visits to zoos and aquariums on visitor conservation knowledge, awareness, affect, or behavior." So much for their claims that zoos are important for purposes of conservation …

    – So might ask: of the tens of thousands of visitors to Ocean Park on a busy day, how many of them depart as supporters of conservation?

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