- This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 11 months ago by
DocMartin Williams.
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- 20 January 2009 at 10:26 am #7166
I’ve been sent info on and photos of an adult White-bellied Sea-Eagle, perching on bamboo scaffolding just west of Convention Centre.
Attracted by reclamation work leading to prey being readily available?? Plus good vantage point.Seen by John Saeki; he reckons there a month ago, but was there yesterday and today. Shot at top left by John; other shot by Martin Megino.
22 January 2009 at 1:56 am #8287Just in from John Saeki:
Quote:FYI the eagle was back this morning, Thursday, at 9am overlooking a very smoggy harbour.
Can confirm that the building concerned is an MTR ventilation shaft, probably for the Admiralty to TST link but will look that up later.
Across the road from the shaft is the drainage services department, Wanchai west preliminary treatment works.
Spoke to someone who works nearby and she told me that she had first seen the eagle about a month ago.29 January 2009 at 5:12 am #8294Just in from John Saeki:
Quote:No sighting since last Thursday am afraid.Checked last Friday, Saturday, and Tuesday, Wednesday.
Will be checking again this morning. Here’s two pix, one from Thursday 22 morning, with glass of Grand Hyatt in background, the other one from the afternoon.
29 January 2009 at 2:24 pm #8295Soon after the preceding email, another message from John Saeki:
Quote:Glad to say my colleague spotted the eagle just before 11 o’clock this morning, two hours after I passed the spot without a seeing it.11 February 2009 at 2:49 pm #8309Anonymous
I have been watching a pair around Tin Wan, Aberdeen for a few years, but have not seen them together in recent weeks.
Perhaps the Wanchai bird is one of the Tin Wan pair.17 February 2009 at 3:28 am #8310Thanks for comment; interesting if Aberdeen bird.
From John Saeki yesterday:
Quote:The eagle of Wanchai returned to its perch several times in the last week. I think about three mornings out of five, but I still haven’t caught a glimpse of him flying, or catching any food.23 April 2009 at 2:57 am #8357Just received from Mike Wright:
Quote:Regarding the eagles at Tin Wan, HKEC sent me the following reply to my query on netting placed on pylons.Of course you may already be aware.
Dear Mr. Wright,
Thank you for your email expressing your care and concern about our handling of the matter related to the white-bellied sea eagles.
To ensure both the safety of big birds, such as the white-bellied sea eagles, and the reliability of electricity supply to the general public when these birds come too close to our high voltage power lines, we have erected netting at critical parts of our pylons after consultation with the authorities concerned and local green groups. To facilitate the settlement of the birds (while ensuring their safety and the reliability of our power supply), we have also built an artificial nest at a safer location to allow the birds to breed on the pylon. We hope this arrangement could help preserving this special species while maintaining the supply reliability to our customers .
Thank you again for your enquiry and should you require further information regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our Senior Area Engineer (Western), Mr. K.W. Kwan.
Best regards,
L. Chan
Chief Construction & Maintenance Engineer
13 September 2009 at 6:33 pm #8446Anonymous
On Thursday 10th September, about 5pm, whilst walking down the promenade by Fisherman’s Wharf/ Laguna Verde we saw the White-bellied Sea Eagle soaring overhead closely followed by one of the brown hawks. It was so distinctive and beautiful that I had to look it up when I got back to the UK. What a magnificent bird.
Susan Pape
22 September 2009 at 3:20 pm #8454Anonymous
I tried to add image but I don’t know how to do this
Can anyone be kind to tell me how?thanks a lot
22 September 2009 at 5:43 pm #8455Can be bit of a faff, I’m afraid; software creators cautious re security – as I am too; get some dodgy posts attempted.
One thing is to sign up for site; can then make it a bit easier. Tho I haven’t found ideal solution for most users; will have another look later.
4 January 2011 at 8:39 am #8573Anonymous
Hello there,
Does anyone know the latest on the Tin Wan eagles?
I’m afraid I never saw the Wanchai eagle again after the bamboo scaffolding was taken down in 2009.
John Saeki15 January 2011 at 2:45 pm #8574Anonymous
Definately no nesting on the pylons since HKEC installed netting.
But individual eagles seen occassionally flying in the area especially in autumn/winter.I saw an adult over Round Island, Repulse Bay last month.
Mike Wright27 March 2012 at 3:36 pm #8714Anonymous
I have been watching for months now from my office window in Queensway Government Offices a white bellied sea eagle that visits the HK Park and the area around it regularly in the morning and in the evening (around 5 pm).
Today (27 March 2012) it sat for a long time on a branch near some construction works that I can see from my office room, cleaning its feathers and turning itself so that I could get a good view of its back and its breast.
27.03.201227 March 2012 at 4:00 pm #8715Excellent to hear of this, thanks!
– I'll go and look some time, see if can get photos
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