Views on Frontier Closed Area wanted by 8 Aug 08

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    Email from WWF HK:

    Your view  is needed to guide the opening of the Frontier Closed Area

    The Frontier Closed Area (FCA), which has been restricted from public access since 1951, will be released for development and conservation purposes. The government is now collecting public views on the “Land Use Planning for the Closed Area” study. Your voice is crucial in preserving the natural landscape and functions of the eco-systems within the FCA, adjacent to the internationally important Mai Po Deep Bay Ramsar Site.

    The FCA currently serves to fend off development pressure from Hong Kong and Shenzhen. It embraces areas of high ecological value including wetlands, fishponds, agricultural fields, woodland and hilly terrain. It is the home of many local and migratory wildlife species, and borders Mai Po, a wetland of international importance, and a vital stop-over point for thousands of birds on their annual migration. Opening up the FCA is likely to change this undisturbed wonderland for wildlife.

    The Planning Department is proposing the FCA as a "Green Buffer" area. It will then form "a belt of conservation, cultural heritage and sustainable uses between Hong Kong and Shenzhen". For details, please see the community engagement digest.

    WWF contends that the ecological value of FCA must be maintained or enhanced after the opening and the future land use plans must protect the areas of conservation interests within FCA.

    As WWF supporters, your views are important in helping frame the future of this important part of our heritage.  Please forward your views to the Planning Department on or before 8 August 2008.

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