Urgently need your support to save the natural beauty of the Old Peak Road, The Peak

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    The government is going to erect railings along the Old Peak Road, The Peak based on having received ONE complaint saying the road is dangerous.

    We do not have any support statistic to show the Old Peak Road is dangerous.

    The railings will definitely reduce the natural beauty and value of the Path and it’s wasting of public money.

    For exact location of the proposed railings, please refer to the attached map;

    For the reference of the type of the railings; please refer to the attached file.


      Whatever happened to common sense!


        VLeung: I just saw your posting. I have resided on Old Peak Road for over 11 years and have complained repeatedly to the Transport Department regarding installation of a large number of traffic signs (including large arrow signs) at Old Peak Road since July 2008. Please contact me to discuss this matter as I did not know there were other Old Peak Road residents who are unhappy about this issue. And you are correct–the Transport Department has no supporting statistics to show that Old Peak Road is dangerous. In fact, at the top of Old Peak Road where the large arrow signs have been installed, the Transport Department has admitted to me that there has never been a traffic accident in this area. Transport is concerned that Old Peak Road is one of the "steepest" roads in Hong Kong, and in order to protect public safety, a large number of traffic signs have been installed. Melanie Moore

        Thanks for your comments.


        May I update with you the result of an opinion poll conducted by the Lung Fu Shan Area Environmental Concern Group with regard to the installation of railings on the Old Peak Road.

        Opinion Poll conducted on : 20 January 2009 (Sunday)

        Time:                                        around 9:15am – 11:15am

        Venue: lamp post number between 27570 and 27567, The Old Peak Road


        Total number of people filled in the opinion form about the proposed railings to be erected on The Old Peak Road (map attached to the form):

        108 persons

        Agreed to the proposed railings : 6 persons

        Against to the proposed railings : 102 pesons

        The Group has sent the result and copies of the form with all comments to Ms Tanya Chan of the District Councilor for the Peak and Ms Chan replied that she would follow up the matter.

        Should you wish to know more about the issue, please e-mail to lungfushancg  [at]  gmail.com – or send a message via the contact form here.


        email from Vicky:

          I was informed by Ms Lam, The assistant of Ms Tanya Chan, The District Councilor of the Central and Western District that the Transport Department has agreed to put on hold of the proposed railings on Old Peak Road.  I asked her to further confirm whether the Department will stop the project eventually.


          Thank you for your support in this issue and let’s keep watching.

        – now if only we could achieve similar with the barmy bridge to Zhuhai and Macau!


        Finally! – email from Govt to Lung Fu Shan Environmental Association:

        Dear Ms LEUNG,

        Pl. be informed that the public consultation process for the issue has been completed and the result of the voting by DC members regarding the issue has been announced in the T&TC meeting on 27.1.2011 by the Chairman and the result is that the number of DC members against the installation of dwarf wall on Old Peak Road is more than those supporting the proposal.  As such, the proposal has been shelved and TD, following the result of the public consultation, will not pursue the proposal of installing dwarf wall on Old Peak Road.

        Alan TAM



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