Typhoon Megi to impact Hong Kong

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    Number 3 signal indeed issued; fresh to strong winds blowing with chance of gales on high ground.

    Megi has weakened, though still a typhoon. Now, seems likely to weaken further and make landfall over eastern Guangdong or maybe even Fujian. Forecast tracks include one that would later curve it westwards, past Hong Kong; yet three others taking it past Taiwan.

    Though no direct hit for Hong Kong, seems we could still have some windy and rainy weather ahead, especially tomorrow and over the weekend.


      Hi there Martin. I was wondering if you would take a rough guess as to whether the T3 signal will still be in force tomorrow?
      I am a teacher and if it is, it would be really awesome.




      Hi Wes:

      Hahaha, I bet your principal wouldn't be chuffed with your post!

      By no means all schools close for No 3, tho yours surely among them.

      My guess: yes, Number 3 will be in effect tomorrow. Megi taking its time to go anywhere, tho still seems bound for e Guangdong. So still chance of strong winds, but gales and above not so likely without a shift to northwest (I've seen notions a northwest shift, later, is possible).



        Hi Martin, is there any chance of having T8 tomorrow? we have plans to go to macau tomorrow and i was wondering if its possible to take the trip or just forego our booking. thanks.


        Hah! – well you hopefully note I'm fascinated by weather inc typhoons but no expert!

        That said, seeing Weather Underground posts, and latest track, Number 8 looks unlikely tomorrow. The storm is, however, only around 420km away, and powerful, with large radius of gale force winds: a change of track and movement towards us would lead to 8. More likely is northward track, with more weakening; move to Taiwan even plausible. Keeping folks guessing!

        I also saw post saying someone in Macau weather bureau suggested there's 50% chance of Number 8 on Saturday.

        After all, Macau's a destination for gamblers!


          HI again Martin,
          I’ve seen that typhoon megi track did change again but can you guess that there eill be a typhoon8? thanks


          Megi has indeed weakened somewhat, continued moving towards border between Guangdong and Fujian provinces.

          Number 3 strong wind signal still in effect, yet Number 8 does not seem too likely. (There was brief mention by HK Observatory late last night that No 8 would probably not be issued before noon; yet no mention of it on current report.)

          Maybe Number 3 won't be needed too much longer – wind speeds have dropped somewhat, pressure rising, though we can still expect squally showers over weekend.


          Just seen news reports of torrential rains in Taiwan, causing landslides.

          So though we missed the excitement of powerful winds – and chance for day off for those hoping for Number 8 signal today! – there are clear benefits from even weakening Typhoon Megi giving Hong Kong a miss. (Albeit we may yet get some rain.)


            Hey there Martin,

            I’m a student and really hoping that there will be no school on monday. Will there be a typoon8 2morrow or sometime sunday cause i really dont mind missing school. :P



            Well, Amelia, no chance of skiving off school because of a typhoon on Monday!

            Megi no longer mighty, but increasingly enfeebled, heading over Fujian and forecast to move even further away from us.

            Had looked set to be right on top of us today; yet here's shot from Cheung Chau, on a fine and pleasant day.

            bypassed by megi

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