Tropical Storm Goni aims for Hong Kong

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    Note on 8 Aug: Goni still of some interest: it earlier passed us, turned left at coast, weakened, moved to sea again, and now near Hainan, rated tropical storm again by HK Obs.

    One forecast – from ECMWF – has it heading our way again, for around 3-4 days time…


    There’s a new tropical storm – Goni – to the south of Hong Kong, only around 300km away. Formed from a large tropical depression that has proven very hard to forecast: originated east of the Philippines, moved into South China Sea like a giant blob of low pressure w associated cloud, rain.

    Temps were high as the blobby thing approached – almost 34C at Hong Kong Observatory today; felt very hot and humid and still here on Cheung Chau, tho cooled down a bit as an outer rain band arrived.

    Looks like we have some rainy and windy weather to come, especially as HK Observatory forecasts Tropical Storm Goni will pass over Hong Kong on Wednesday 5 August – maybe closest in evening. Not strengthening too much. Of course, tropical storms are tricky beasts to forecast, this one more than most: so a storm to keep an eye on.


    Now, Goni still “just” a tropical storm; moved a little west of forecast, and may land somewhat to west of Hong Kong rather than direct hit.


    Here are two shots from southeast Cheung Chau, taken around 6pm.

    Show the dense cloud band around "eye" of the storm (still a tropical storm, so not a cloudless eye; but radar shows there is no rain in centre). Here, the edge of the cloud band facing Hong Kong – on northeast of the storm, which is headed pretty much towards Macau.

    tropical storm gonitropical storm goni


      Hi ill be arriving from MAlaysia tomorrow to HK….. how is the weather there like??

      Is it gonna rain like mad again??


      Sorry, late to see this comment

      As you may have seen by now, rainy today, but windy rather than storm force.

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