- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 15 years, 10 months ago by
DocMartin Williams.
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- 23 April 2009 at 3:12 am #7187
From One-Tonne Challenge folks (re reducing greenhouse gases):
Quote:Opening of LOHAS SquareTo be organized every Sunday at Star Ferry Central Pier from 19 April 2009 onwards, LOHAS Square @ Central is the first public platform in Hong Kong promoting the Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability. Through a fair-trade market and education platform featuring local production for local consumption, LOHAS Square @ Central aims to promote local resilience on economy, community development, environmental conservation and healthy living. The Square facilitates cooperation between NGOs, social enterprise, conservation groups, self-employed artist, local organic farmers and consumers to jointly develop a collaborative community to enhance sustainability, health and happiness in our every day life.
LOHAS Square Opening Ceremony and “Rethink Waste” Art-piece unveiling
Date: Sunday, 19 April 2009
Time: 11:00-17:00
Venue: The Star Ferry Central Pier
Enquiry: 24837120 / 27392481
E-Mail: [email protected]
Rethink Waste is the theme of first LOHAS Square @ Central on 19 April to urge community actions to collaborative solve the waste problem by reducing waste. Four architecture master degree students in over 400 man-hour made "Rethink Waste" of over 4 tonnes of household waste. Although "Rethink Waste" is a giant art piece covering an area of 50m2, its weight is only equivalent to 0.05% of the household waste produced in Hong Kong in one day! Through "Rethink Waste", the master students have examined flexibility of using urban waste as building material in the creation process on one hand, and hoping to arouse public to rethink about our consumption behaviour on the other hand.
Theme programmes for 19 Apr 09 include vermicomposting workshop, zero-waste cookery demonstration, road show, craft-making from junk and announcing research finding the TPEA’s Amazing Journey of Waste project. Other regular programmes include One Tonne Challenge to combat climate change, a Organic Farmers Market run by over 13 local organic farmers, energy efficiency display and energy efficient product sale booths, and many others.
城市樂活園 進駐中環
自四月十九日起,每個星期日於中環天星碼頭舉行的「城市樂活園」是本港首個倡議「樂活」(Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) 的永續生活廣場,「城市樂活園」匯聚促進本土經濟、社區發展、環境保育及健康生活,透過以提升本地永續發展為宗旨的公平貿易市場及教育活動,展示如何在 衣、食、住、行等生活層面實踐「樂活」,並促進消費者與社會企業、保育團體、自僱藝術家及本地有機農夫的互相扶持,建立具永續性的協作社區,共享簡樸、健 康而快樂的生活模式。
日期︰ 2009 年 4 月 19 日
時間︰ 11:00 – 17:00
地點:中環天星碼頭 (七號碼頭地下及一樓)
公眾查詢電話:2483 7120 / 2739 2481
「無廢」動用了四噸家居固體廢物經四名建築系碩士學生各花上百小時辛勞製作而成,其重量只是每天香港產生家居固體廢物量的0.05%!透過「無廢」,建築 系碩士學生藉創作過程探索都市廢物作建築材料的可塑性,同時寄望作品能啟發公眾反思廢物問題並反思消費。展品將展出至五月份。
是次樂活園將示範如何有效減少製造廢物、循環廢物的方法、減少能源耗用及温室氣體排放,主題節目包括:大埔環保會的「廢物的奇妙旅程」調查報告發表,嘉道 理農場暨植物園無廢烹飪及蚯蚓廚餘堆肥示範等。其他精彩節目包括: 「為地球減壓」─ 展示多個實用減碳貼士;「樂活飲食」─ 超過13位本地有機農夫展銷其農場生產之新鮮時令農產品;「廢物變珍品」─ 重拾傳統智慧,學習利用廢物製作日常用品;「樂活生活文化」─ 多個環保社會企業及綠色機構展銷及推廣樂活物品和資訊,是星期天的好去處。
* 請按此處閱覽活動時間表。
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