So Many Fish yet No Shark Fin Soup

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    After the woman missed her flight at HKIA, comes a lady who’s a tad upset at missing her shark fin soup.

    Link for this video:

    I filmed this on Cheung Chau, Hong Kong, on 26 Feb; actress Mary Szeto, helped by "husband" Edison, at seafood restaurant. Rachel Vickerstaff helped, by making contacts re possible actress/actor, and coming along and advising, even appearing.

    Hope is to "piggyback" off massive popularity of the woman throwing a wobbler at the airport, and stir a little interest re shark conservation.

    Online info on sharks includes:

    Year of the Shark

    HK Shark Foundation [Facebook]


      Martin, I don’t know which is funnier, this video or some of the comments it’s getting on YouTube. Hysterical.


        I was wondering whether it was possible to use this video as part of advertising against Shark Fin Soup – it’s not copyrighted, is it?


        Of course it’s copyrighted; as copyright is automatic, upon something being created.

        Perhaps can okay it for use in the advertising.


        From article in NY Times:

        A survey of about 1,000 Hong Kong residents, published here earlier this month and believed to be the most in-depth study of its kind to date, showed 78 percent of respondents considered it “acceptable” to leave shark fin soup off the menu at events like weddings.

        That is a pretty surprising majority, considering the dish’s tremendous status-symbol appeal. Moreover, since nearly 90 percent of the soup is consumed at such set-menu affairs, this shift is an important sign that actual consumption in Hong Kong could be waning.

        Commissioned by Bloom, a nongovernmental organization that aims to protect vulnerable marine species, and conducted by the University of Hong Kong, the survey found that 89 percent of respondents understood that shark populations were declining.

        Although 58 percent of respondents said they had made no change to the amount of shark fin soup they had consumed over the past five years, more than a third said they had cut down.

        In another sign that the topic is getting top-level attention, a deputy of the National People’s Congress in Beijing, Ding Liguo, filed a proposal last month to ban trade in shark fins, according to a report from Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

        “Only legislation can stop shark fin trading and reduce the killings of sharks,” Mr. Ding said, adding that the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan consume 95 percent the world’s fins.

        people in Hong Kong favor action to protect sharks. Nearly 90 percent of respondents in the Bloom survey said Hong Kong should ban the sale of products that involve killing endangered species. A similar proportion supports a prohibition of shark fin imports into Hong Kong.

        Still, campaigners say they are deeply worried that change is coming too slowly.

        Attitudes Shifting on Shark Fin Soup



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