Pangolin on Tsingyi

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     On Saturday I was looking for trails on TsingYi, in the rain, and an animal crossed the  path in front of me that I had not seen in the wild before – a Pangolin.  Parts of Tsingyi are quite rough and inaccessible so not surprising to have some wildlife but I was surprised to see a Pangolin and it was not far from some housing blocks.

    Are there other records of these animals being seen there ?


      The report of a pangolin sighting on Tsing Yi is incredible news. These are very rare and shy creatures and are of significant conservation concern. Pangolin are almost never encountered in the territory and oftern those that are are injured or killed by feral dogs. Outside of Hong kong they are illegally traded far too often.This record on Tsing Yi may represent the only official record ever for that location. I will ask around.
      This unexpected site could be the last strong hold for the Pangolin in Hong Kong if the information does not reach trappers and unscrupulous traders!
      More inform would be most appreciated but not in a public forum.

      Paul Crow
      Senior Conservation Officer


        Hello Martin and wildlife enthusiasts of Hong Kong!

        Anyone seen an pangolins in Hong Kong recently?
        I found one report in the Kadorie Farm news later from May 2011:
        But nothing else fresh.
        Would love to hear from anyone who’s seen one more recently than that.

        PS I’ve regularly seen a White Bellied Sea Eagle flying around the egret hatchery on Green Island this year. On Friday it actually landed on a tree on the island as my ferry went past. Beautiful sight — possibly with nefarious intentions concerning egrets?

        John Saeki

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