La Nina maybe linked to cold spell and China snows in early

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    Hooray – some sunshine at last! After what seemed endless chill, grey, dank, windy, drizzly n rainy days…

    Just seen on Xinhua that HK in longest yet period of consecutive cold weather warnings:

    Feb. 2 (Xinhua) — A cold weather warning issued by the Hong Kong Observatory was in force for a record-breaking tenth day on Saturday, prompting authorities to open shelters and call for visits to elders living alone. … The observatory said in a forecast the winter monsoon was expected to continue bringing cold air and rain to Hong Kong in the coming days before relatively more sunshine expected around the lunar Chinese New Year, which falls on Feb. 7 this year. The unusually cold weather is also part of La Nina, during which the sea surface temperatures across the equatorial eastern central Pacific Ocean are lower than normal. La Nina also brought snowstorms recently to the southern and eastern parts of China, leading to more pressure on the traffic ahead of the Chinese New Year.

    Tenth day of cold weather warning in HK sets record

    Despite the above, not everyone's so confident there's link between La Nina and China snowstorms, according to the Financial Times

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