How to market Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan in Hong Kong?

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    Email I've just sent, hopefully will be circulated to various people working outside govt on the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Hong Kong:

    During a non-governmental meeting on communications/education related to the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, there was some agreement that it will be useful – and important – to work on marketing biodiversity and the strategy in Hong Kong.

    Not "empty" marketing, but with slogans etc that help to get the messages across to non-experts.

    Easier said than done!

    Even the acronym "BSAP" is ungainly and forgettable.

    The CBD website does a woeful job of communications.

    First, though, surely useful to see which aspects of BSAP we should be highlighting. [Might differ from those being most worked on behind the scenes.]

    So, please help by ranking the following key services according to how much importance you think they deserve in promotions to the Hong Kong public and government.

    Choose up to 7.

    Also useful if you can number according to importance: 7 for most important.

    Generation and renewal of soil fertility, including nutrient cycling

    Ability to adapt to change


    Control of pests and diseases


    Climate regulation

    Purification of air and water


    Genetic resources

    Moderation of floods, droughts, temperature extremes and the forces of wind

    Provision of shelter and building materials

    Aesthetic and spiritual benefits

    Provision of food, fuel and fibre


    Pollination of plants, including many crops

    Detoxification and decomposition of wastes

    Also: ideas for key slogans, marketing messages very welcome!

    – how to give biodiversity the importance it deserves? The science alone is not enough.



    In researching article, I've read various materials on biodiversity; mostly very very bad, and – as one report says – this poor communication is part of reason biodiversity is in such a grim state [though a report in the Economist is optimistic; hmmm]

    Some of best info I've found on communicating the issues is here:

    success lies in understanding the communications formula that turns science into action.

    Bringing science to life

    Communication, Education and Public Awareness is fundamental to persuading decision makers and the global public to take action on conservation. Biodiversity science provides the foundations of our understanding, and is an essential provision for policy making. However it rarely succeeds in inspiring public action on its own.

    In part this is because it is a complex topic, and is simply hard to understand for many people.

    It also comes down to human nature. most people are not rational, and don’t make daily decisions based on logical scientific analysis. Instead they are motivated by a mixture of emotion, habit and social norms. It is how biodiversity makes them feel, not think, that leads them to act.

    Biodiversity is the world’s most elaborate scientific concept, but also, potentially, its greatest story. love of nature for most people is about awe, wonder and joy; not habitats, ecosystem services or extinction.

    – in Communicating Biodiversity, from the IUCN.

    A website on biodiversity for London looks good; but from 2007, and leads to supposed wiidweb, about where to see wildlife in London.

    For some reason, the latter has been down for around 2 years or more…

    So not just HK that hasn't managed good job with biodiversity website.

    Biodiversity is at once of massive importance; yet treated as trivial. Go figure.

    Hong Kong Biodiversity Action Facebook page is hardly going great guns; remember that if you want to be admin, need to Like the page or [less popular! be FB friend of me or another full admin]

    34 likes; so just another 7 million people to somehow engage in BSAP process…

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