HK pollution discussion tonite on webradio

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    From email from Esta Overmars:

    English Night of CPWebradio from 6.30-7.30pm LIVE, or in archive on Monday at: CPWebradio archive.

    Last Monday there was the Clear the Air Charter Forum organised by the General Chamber of Commerce. Out of tens of thousands of business organisations in Hong Kong, only 500 signed.
    There also has been a lot of criticism on Donald Tsang and his remarks on how healthy it must be to live in Hong Kong. We all know (esp. those with sea view) that this year was one of the worst years, with hazy days most of the year.
    Everybody blames the Pearl River Delta, but we have to realise that 70,000 factories in that area are Hong Kong-owned, not to mention the power plants in the hands of big companies such as Cheung Kong, New World Holdings and Hopewell Holdings (source:!!! What is the business sector doing to ‘go green’ and if not, what can they do?
    We hope our guests can shed some light on a few of these aspects of air pollution.

    1 December 2006: English Night
    Co-hosts: Steve Vines, Esta Overmars
    Guests: Dr. A. Thompson, CEO, Business Environment Council; Christian
    Masset, Clear The Air
    Topic: Pollution, the Business sector and Sustainability
    We expect a lively and educational discussion of an hour on what the
    business sector can do to be ‘green’, as it is popularly called. And
    also the question: are they doing enough?
    Further: Chinese newspaper digest, What’s up in Legco and English expressions.

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