Forum on HK Air Quality Objectives 20 March 09

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    Received today from Civic Exchange; seems well worth trying to get to the forum.

    The Environmental Protection Department is planning to present its new air quality objectives (AQOs) to the public at an open forum on Friday 20th March (in the afternoon). This is very short notice, which will make it difficult for many people to come, especially as it is during business hours. So please try to hold this time slot open now if you plan to attend.

    It is understood that EPD’s intention is to gauge the public’s reaction to the new AQOs before submitting the draft report to the Government.

    This creates a golden opportunity to show the Government how seriously we take air pollution and its threat to our health. So please go if you can, and please pass the message on to as many other as you can. Our objective is to give EPD the highest level of support for the highest air quality standards

    I went to the meeting; done some notes after it:

    Proposed Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives Not Focused on Public Health


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