Fish bombing a problem in Hong Kong and nearby

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    Just received an email including:

    I actually wanted to share with you an article that I read in South China Morning Post today (30th January, 2007) regarding to the massive destruction of coral reefs around Tung Ping Chau, Sai Kung and more seriously around Pedro Blanco using fish bombs. Recently, the serious level has increased since the fish supply from fish farms are declining and is not able to meet the increasing demand of fresh water fish in Hong Kong. What contributes to this increasing massive destruction is that the majority of Hong Kong people don’t really "think" about what damage that this could do to the environment and can cause much damage to the surrounds. Although I do not dive, I really can see the seriousness of the continuous bombing for fish. Do you have any suggestion to where I can report the situation and seriousness to the government locals? Do you run any organizations that emphasize on protecting the sea in HK?

    I’ve replied: I did see the article on fish bombing; the photos were by Charles Frew, who was also quoted. He’s a diver based in Sai Kung, and earlier wrote an article on Pedro Blanco fish bombing for the website: To a small extent, this article helped inform people about this issue. I’m cc’ing this to Charles. I don’t run any organizations beyond the website: through which, try to help protect aspects of wild Hong Kong, from n Lantau to Sai Kung area etc; as well as show ways to enjoy our countryside. Don’t know of any such organizations – for marine life – here. HK Marine Conservation Society seems to have become quiet nowadays: Charlie will know of this. WWF Hong Kong has strong interest in fisheries within HK, and – though less influence – in the region. Currently has Save Our Seas campaign, for which Charles made short video

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