Charity walk to help Tai O on Lantau

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    Received this email re what looks very worthwhile charity walk to help with housing at Tai O on Lantau:

    We are a worldwide, non-governmental charitable organization dedicated to eradicate poverty housing and homelessness. Since its foundation in 1976 in the US, Habitat has helped build more than 500,000 safe and affordable houses serving over 2.5 million people across six continents.

    Our Tai O Restoration project is to restore stilt houses for the poor elderly in need.  The project started in 2010 and now is approaching the last Phase and we very much hope that you can be with us in our “Habitat Challenge Day 2012” to witness the continuous achievements in this effort.

    This charity walk to take place on 29th April 2012 (Sun) will start from Tung Chung and end at Tai O.  You can help make a difference with us through forming a team or joining as an individual in the program.  You can enjoy the beautiful environment of Tung O Ancient Trail and share the joy and success of the Tai O for the elderly.

    Event:       Habitat Challenge Day

    Date:         April 29, 2012 (Sunday)

    Time:        Starting from 10:00am

    Location:   From Tung Chung to Tai O (around 12km, 4-5 hour walk)

    Fundraising Purpose: Help Habitat home building projects in China

    Donation Fee:  HK$500/adult; HK$250/student


    We need your helping hand to build a better world with safe and decent homes.   Much appreciate if you can help publish our event on your event website and share our FB link.!/events/408220025861285/


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