Beautiful Lantau Fun Day

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    Here’s a thread for discussing plans for the Beautiful Lantau Fun Day (tho that’s not the official name), to be held on 5 June – World Environment Day.

    Twin aims:

    – raising awareness in HK re threats to Lantau;
    – and encouraging some local support for protecting Lantau – showing can have development (of sustainable type), help economy, without lots of concrete and filthy air etc.

    Ideas/plans include:

    – Boat ride for media (and some officials, legco members).
    To be in parallel with the walk from Tung Chung to Tai O; maybe start just after the walk (so journos can talk to walkers).
    See habitats to be ruined, scenery to be impacted.

    – Tung Chung area? Maybe for people who walk only short way along Tung Chung Bay and back.
    (Ideas could include the fort; also perhaps help anyone wanting to head to south coast etc to find transport.)

    – Tai O roaming – history, lifestyle.

    – Buffalo fields walk, Pui O?
    Not sure right now; but, maybe can fix something.

    – Bird photography.
    Maybe photos at Mui Wo marsh, Pui O, say (where birds easier); Tai O mangroves.

    – Kindergarten kids, and Lantau. Maybe to Cheung Sha, and Pui O; and some paintings – based on Lantau’s future.
    (Here, the “future generations” of sustainable development no longer abstract. Could, too, be good for media.)

    – Cheung Sha
    Hopefully get restaurants interested, maybe Seasports centre. Perhaps no need for guided trip here, but advice on where to walk; and re which bus stops to get off at.

    – Tree planting
    Already to happen this day; get short report w photos.

    – Mountain biking
    Short report with photos, and some reflections on concept plan’s ideas. (Concept Plan based on strong knowledge of Lantau and cycling?)

    Post edited by: Martin, at: 2005/05/09 02:22


      The fun day could also include a look at San Tau SSSI (site of special scientific interest). If reclamation within Tung Chung Bay proceeds then the rich marine ecology may be severly impacted and lost. This would include a nursery site for horse shoe crabs, a transplanted site for zostera japonica seagrass, and an etensive mangal and seagrass bed (H. beccarri).
      Remember Lantau’s diverse and rich beauty extends below the tide line (not that one can see alot).


      San Tau well worth covering, maybe early on walk fr Tung Chung to Tai O.

      Just had long phone talk w Esta Overmars of Islands Courier; various ideas – inc link w Dragon Boat race in Mui Wo that day; can aim for some posters, perhaps with help from New Lantao Bus Co. Also, stronger involvement w local community.

      Hopefully can manage a good day; got interest from some good people so far, so looking ok.

      Paul Melsom also interested in some involvement – partly, he’d like volunteer tree planters, for land nr Mui Wo, on 5 June.

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