After Storm Local Clean-up

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    Hello Forum,

         In 2005 or so I was in Hong Kong, meeting my new in-laws and I had the privilege to workout with my crazy uncle’s dragon boat team.  It started out well until I saw the boat launch area… After a small typhoon that had occurred earlier, the launch area was filled with garbage!  I’ve seen this everywhere after a storm but not to this extent!  I asked some of the guys if they wanted to help pick this stuff up into bags and disposes of it but I was left believing that the average Joe in Hong Kong has no interest or resources to help with the growing litter/storm blow off problem. Here in Canada I would have just found a local area to put out the bags for pick-up but as a newcomer to Hong Kong, this wasn’t as easy.

       If I am privileged with the opportunity to come back to Hong Kong, I will be there if anyone wants to start a grassroots program to get local people to help clean up the shorelines and culverts in their area after a storm.(with the City’s permission of course) It would be a healing family experience with the proper education elements in place after a possible tragedy.


    Thanks for listening.





    Hi Derek:

    Very good of you to offer!

    There are occasional beach cleanups here; I don’t know that need any permission for such things.

    Part of problem might be that various places are pretty much overwhelmed with garbage from the sea. After Typhoon Hagupit last autumn, I saw various places w polystyrene strewn well above the normal tideline; some places more than knee deep in garbage. Might be able to clean at least some of this rubbish away; but shortly, back it oomes when onshore winds blow.



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