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Concerns re Work Creating Long Valley Nature Park in 2021

In another post, I’ve put email correspondence regarding my belief Long Valley Nature Park is far worse for bird diversity than it could or should be: Long Valley Nature Park more duo-diversity than biodiversity yet potential for improvements. Here, partly…

Excessive Mosquito Control Devastating Cheung Chau Wildlife

Here’s an email I sent to Hong Kong’s Food and Environmental Hygiene Department in November 2024, regarding excessive spraying of anti-mosquito pesticides, and apparent devastation of local wildlife as a result: Further to various emails. I saw this patch of…

World Green Organisation only Hong Kong and not so green

Some years ago, I was asked to meet two or three people who were starting a new “environmental” ngo in Hong Kong, the World Green Organisation. Didn’t seem quite right to me – hardly ecowarrior type stuff, not up to…

Objection to proposed road tunnel to Mui Wo on Lantau island

While the Hong Kong government has touted ideas for “development in the north” and “conservation in the south” of Lantau, it seems more hell-bent on development: even an “eco-corridor” for the south seems to involve only development, zero boost for…

Waste Incineration Still Sucks Big Time

Table of Contents Policy framework ideas mostly ignored as incineration emphasised Presentation I gave to legco: No environmental impact assessment focused on Shek Kwu Chau site Email to me a few days ago: My name is Steven Chan. I am…

South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor is “Eco” in Name Only

A response to the South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor public consultation The Hong Kong Government’s latest wheeze for developing south Lantau is a proposed “South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor” – which seems eco in name only. As noted by the Sustainable Lantau…

Where have all the Hong Kong Barn Swallows gone?

I live on Cheung Chau, a small island in southwest Hong Kong – and became very used to it hosting many nesting pairs of Barn Swallows, which start arriving around mid-February, and stay till late summer. Been this way since…

Alarming silting of Deep Bay mudflats by early 2000s

Last decade, the future looked bright for the Deep Bay wetland, in northwest Hong Kong. [I wrote this for the South China Morning Post in late 2004; it seems the mudflat level has about stabilised since, but still with issues including…

Mai Po Marshes Upgrade Project: Big Money, Few Visitors

There is a Mai Po upgrade project underway [spring 2023], funded by a HK$347.86 million grant from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. This seems a substantial sum, especially as it is for infrastructure only, and chiefly a new visitor…

Climate Change and Hong Kong Ecology

With climate changing, there are changes underway, including in Hong Kong’s ecosystems, that indicate there is an urgent need for action.    

As World Warms Hong Kong Remains Climate Unready

So here we are. The heating is on. No longer are we at a stage of predicting global warming may occur, with experts cautiously saying this or that weather event just might be attributable to climate change, in turn due…

Fewer Ferries, More Dolphins Near Southwest Lantau

WWF calls for urgent ferry traffic mitigation measures before cross-border traffic resumes Hong Kong, 21 July 2022 – Acoustic and visual monitoring conducted by WWF-Hong Kong (WWF) has revealed dramatic increases in Chinese white dolphin occurrences and more diverse dolphin behaviours since…

Typhoon Chaba set for landfall west of Hong Kong

Chaba has recently intensified to typhoon strength. Has a large eye on radar images, with rainbands across wide area – inc passing over Hong Kong (though rain here not so intense just now). The track is not as much to…

Severe Tropical Storm Chaba Nearing Hong Kong

The tropical cyclone now named Chaba has intensified to Severe Tropical Storm strength – intensifying rather more and faster than forecast; perhaps another storm development influenced by climate change. Looks set to make landfall as a typhoon; and T8 signal…

Maybe Stormy Weather for Hong Kong as July 2022 Begins

In past few days, computer forecast models have indicated a chance of stormy weather developing over the South China Sea near Hong Kong at the beginning of July. Updating on evening of 29 June. The T1 signal is in effect,…

AFCD launches Hong Kong Biodiversity Information Hub

The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) launched the Hong Kong Biodiversity Information Hub (HKBIH) ( today (1 March 2022) aiming to foster a better understanding of local biodiversity by members of the public. The HKBIH is a one-stop website…