Buying binoculars

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Here’s short info I sent someone asking for advice on buying binoculars in Hong Kong:
Well, I’m a birder, but rather rarely buy binoculars – my Leicas now maybe 15 years old (not sure)! [Since I wrote this, I lost the binoculars; bought another pair of Leicas – after, happily, receiving insurance.

Best are from Leica, Swarovski, maybe Nikon, Zeiss. Depends partly on “feel” of them when telling between these I think – all should be optically superb, and well built so can last a long time.

But, that’s a lot of dough to shell out for a present; and there are good cheaper bins. Rather older model of Swarovski, say; lately seen pair by Olympus that look very nice.

Whatever price range you choose, 8×40 or 10×40 or so maybe best, with latter more if for a guy (bit more strength maybe helping hold steady)

Can go lower budget; but even so, I’d avoid the mini binoculars – v poor field of view, so can be hard to find anything, plus maybe poor in low light. (Just looked thro mini pair of Bausch and Lomb [at least, supposedly] – had cost HK$250 or 350, and excellent for that price; not sure of shop, but Ap Liu Street in Prince Edward the kind of place for cheaper bins like this I think – also get things like telescopes, tripods, made in China and these days can be decent).

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