Home » Posts » Birds of Pui O on Lantau, Hong Kong
Ruddy-breasted Crake, Pui O
Northern Lapwing
Grey-faced Buzzard
Black-winged Stilt
Chinese Grosbeak
Barn Swallow with rusty underparts like tytleri
Brown Shrike
Cattle Egrets with Intermediate Egret
Greater Paintedsnipe
Black-capped Kingfisher at Pui O, Lantau
Chinese Pond Heron
Drake Common Teal
Grey-headed Lapwing, Pui O
Cattle, Little and Intermediate egrets, Pui O
Eastern Buzzard
Great Egret
Greater Sandplover
Grey-streaked Flycatcher
Little, Intermediate and Cattle egrets
Japanese Yellow Bunting
Little Egret
Male Kentish Plover
Northern Skylark
Pheasant-tailed Jacanas, Pui O
Olive-backed Pipit
Oriental Pratincole
Yellow Wagtail taivana
Grey-headed Lapwing at Pui O, Lantau
Pheasant-tailed Jacana
Oriental Honey Buzzard, over slopes of Sunset Peak above Pui O
Barn Swallow
Kentish Plover
Pheasant-tailed Jacana and Little Egrets, Pui O
Red-throated Pipit
White Wagtail
Yellow Wagtail taivana
Yellow-browed Warbler
Swinhoe’s or Pintail snipe
Little, Great and Intermediate egrets, Pui O
Swinhoe’s or Pintail snipe
Oriental Plover
Eastern Reef Egret
Oriental Honey Buzzard over slopes above Pui O
Brown Shrike, Pui O
Grey-headed Lapwing, Pui O
Ruff with Crested Mynah and Water Buffalo, Pui O
Yellow Wagtail (taivana) at Pui O, Lantau
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Hello, we are visiting our family in pui o and were very interested in your photographs. On this visit i have seen a kingfisher several times, and that would make a nice addition to your collection.
Thanks for the post. I saw a couple of Common Kingfishers by the stream mouth there recently – but not close enough for photos.
Also White-breasted Kingfisher there last time.
Plus, sometimes Black-capped Kingfisher in or by the strip of mangroves along the south shore of the stream mouth: photographers sometimes head over, spend hours trying to get shots of this species!
Hope you get to see a few more decent birds in the area; a few more may arrive with the cooler weather.
Hello, we are visiting our family in pui o and were very interested in your photographs. On this visit i have seen a kingfisher several times, and that would make a nice addition to your collection.
Thanks for the post. I saw a couple of Common Kingfishers by the stream mouth there recently – but not close enough for photos.
Also White-breasted Kingfisher there last time.
Plus, sometimes Black-capped Kingfisher in or by the strip of mangroves along the south shore of the stream mouth: photographers sometimes head over, spend hours trying to get shots of this species!
Hope you get to see a few more decent birds in the area; a few more may arrive with the cooler weather.