Tai Long Wan, on the east coast of the Sai Kung Peninsula, has white sand beaches flanked by rugged headlands.

This is a magical place! Set in the east coast of the Sai Kung Peninsula (西貢半島), Tai Long Wan – Big Wave Bay – is a large bay with white sand beaches flanked by rugged headlands, backed by abandoned fields beyond which rise some impressive hills.
There are rocky islets offshore; beyond them is the South China Sea (Mirs Bay); in onshore winds the swell is indeed impressive, all the more so as the sea is relatively unpolluted, and can be a splendid tropical blue or turquoise.
Hiking to Tai Long Wan
Unless you can arrive by boat or even helicopter, you head here by a bit of a hike. The main route follows a stretch of Maclehose Trail, up and over the ridge from Chek Keng – which you can walk to from a bus stop at Pak Tam Au, though I occasionally take an easier option, riding a speedboat from Wong Shek Pier. Though illegal, ride at your own risk, these speedboats are fun: it seems no matter how much they bounce around, the drivers seem to remain still as statues.
The walk up to the ridge is a fairly long pull, especially on a hot day (phew!).

But once at the top, you can rest, and you’re rewarded with panoramic views across hills and bay, with Sharp Peak’s distinctive profile on your left. Then, the trail winds down, to the hamlet of Tai Long, where the First Stop cafe may be a tempting place for a drink.
The trail from here is pretty much dead level. The Maclehose Trail bears right, while I prefer to keep left, to another hamlet, Ham Tin, beside a wonderful beach. There are a couple of simple restaurants here, opening at weekends and on public holidays, less reliably on weekdays: the food may be simple, but the location is five-star.

Just north of one of these restaurants is an unenticing looking trail, up into trees on a small headland. If you’ve come this far, you’ve gotta take this trail – it’s not far to the top of the headland, and from here the view is simply glorious. The best beach in Hong Kong – at Tai Wan – is laid out below you, stretching away to the foothills of Sharp Peak, with only rough grass and bushes behind: there isn’t a building in sight! (Mind you, a wannabe developer seems fond of hatching schemes to change that. Happily, these schemes have so far been rebuffed, and thanks to hikers and others, the Town Planning Board has made this an area where special permission is needed for development.)
Especially if it’s a hot day, you may want to just chill out on this beach – watching surf dudes if surf’s up (be careful if you swim; there are no lifeguards, and the currents can be treacherous; swimmers have died here). But if the weather’s ok and you have a burst of energy, well, maybe opt for some serious hiking.
Head south, and you can pass through another village in a neighbouring bay, Sai Wan, then head up, and climb into the hills to follow the Luk Wu Hiking Trail: it passes through a pretty wild landscape, that even reminded two Finnish friends of Arctic tundra! (to me, recalled the North Yorkshire Moors). The stream reaching the sea at Sai Wan is also rated a good hiking/clambering route by adventurous folk: there are waterfalls en route; and, I’m told, at least one somewhat dodgy place where you have to briefly become a rock climber.

Or try the headland to the north – peering down cliffs at the tip to the sea below, then following the rough tracks up Sharp Peak. The trails are ok to the “shoulder” of the peak; but then, there are suddenly steeper trails, with abundant small stones underfoot making them easy to skid on. Still, Sharp Peak is a good hill to conquer; and a great vantage for admiring Tai Long Wan and far more of the Sai Kung Peninsula and nearby HK.
From Sharp Peak, you can return to the ridge, before dropping down to Chek Keng for a speedboat, or hiking on to Pak Tam Au.
Tai Long Wan in Explore Wild Hong Kong!:
On Sundays and public holidays, bus 96R from Diamond Hill MTR station serves Wong Shek Pier (via Sai Kung). There’s also a frequent daily bus service (94) from Sai Kung to Wong Shek Pier.
To reach Sai Kung, you could take a bus or minibus from Diamond Hill or Choi Hung MTR stations; or – if you’re travelling from Hong Kong Island – Hang Hau MTR station.
The speedboat from Wong Shek Pier to Chek Keng costs [at least] HK$60 for 1-3 people, HK$20 for each additional person. May also be a chance of speedboat from/to Sai Kung.
How TO?
Me and My frienz wanna go to Sai Kung Tai Long to hike also but we cant decide where to make the MEETING PLACE……..can yhue plz help us?
Where would be the best place to be the meeting place?
Meet in Sai Kung?
Depends partly how you’ll travel there
Maybe at Sai Kung; in cafe near bus station.
But if taking direct transport to Pak Tam Au or Wong Shek Pier, well, maybe one or other of these should be the place; or at bus station like Diamond Hill, if a Sun/public holiday and this is convenient place for you.
WIll help if you have mobile phones.
Meeting Place
Sai Kung MacDonald Restaurant, there is a Welcome Supermarket next to it. And you can take a mini-bus to Sai Wan Pavilion (Sai Wan Ting), for more details: search hkwalkers [defunct?] and you can check the time table of the minibus as below: [also defunct site?]
From Pak Tam Au to Sai Kung City, you can take the bus ( route 94). .
How do you get back from the beach?
Do you have to take the same hike back from the beach? Is it safe to do so in the dark?
Many people walk in the dark
If there is a bright moon, you don’t even need a torch. The Way to Sai Wan is concrete. And the Way further to Tai Long Wan is mostly concrete, too.
hiking from Tai Long Wan
Yes, it’s a hike back; easiest way is back to Pak Tam Au (or maybe head to Wong Shek Pier via speedboat from Chek Keng).
I’ve done much of this in dark once, with only feeble keyring torch; but by accident (almost walked into a pangolin!). Paths good, so should be ok if you have good torch; but I’d think it best to finish hike by dusk.
Speedboat from Chek Keng
Is there this service of speedboats, or do we have to have our own?
speedboats chek keng
Not your own; likely to be boats there
Can you get any boats out to the tai long wan? is that easy to get there and organize for them to come and collect you again?
speedboats to tai long wan
Yes, there are speedboats out to Tai Long Wan, from Sai Kung [somewhere near the public pier w the boats to Kau Sai Chau, I believe]. On per hire basis; there is a standard charge but can't remember just now – several hundred hk dollars per boat.
Should be fine for the boatman to return and collect you; but phoning for him to do so may not be too easy given poor mobile phone signals in the area [or maybe set a time; or see if can use a restaurant phone].
I've been to Sai Wan, and restaurant or two there helped with booking aft speedboats back to Sai Kung; could be on a sharing basis, maybe first come first served if several people wanting to go. Easier at weekends and during public holidays. Not sure if same can apply from Ham Tin as well.
BUT recently seen photo of gate being put up on main path to Sai Wan; I don't know what this means re Sai Wan visiting by boat or hiking from elsewhere.
– and NOTE in fresh easterly winds, the sea round the coast here can be rough; makes for a very bouncy ride!
Week-end trip to tai Long Wan
Dear all,
Would like to go to Tai Long Wan for camping during one week-end with my kids (they are 5 and 3). Do you think it is feasible and not too “dangerous” for them? I’ve heard (but don’t know if it is true) that we can rent tent there? Could you confirm? Anything else I should know for a safe and enjoyable week-end there?
Tai Long Wan camping
Should be fine, tho care re heat
Think there’s some info in a forum thread here inc camping gear hire; I haven’t done, but believe that can rent a tent at one of the Ham Tin restaurants
Are there any bikes for rent in this area?
bike rentals near sai kung?
Might be some for rent in Sai Kung town
None at Tai Long Wan itself
Any cycling paths in the country park or
know where i can buy/find a cycling map?
hk cycling map
Maybe try post in activities forum here.
Swimming on the Beach =)
Hi =),
My friends and I were planning to have a swim there on the beach but are there any Changing Rooms there so that we can change????
ASAP thanks!!! =D
All natural changing rooms
No changing rooms that I know of; not sure if can use toilets in small restaurants. Otherwise, head for the bushes perhaps?!
Remember to take great care swimming there, lest undertows etc.
Also, in this heat, take care with hike there – drink plenty, inc some salt.
Swimming on the Beach =)
“Hi =),
My friends and I were planning to have a swim there on the beach but are there any Changing Rooms there so that we can change????
ASAP thanks!!! =D”
Yes at the Restaurant on beach 2. Its the one closer to beach 3, they have showers and toilets.
Camping on Tai Wan
My partner and I would like to camp overnight
in Tai Wan, but we can only see a campsite listed
in Sai Wan. Can we camp at unmarked areas I.e
at Tai Wan specifically?
Camping at Tai Wan
People camp on the beach
Tai Long Wan camping
I've seen people camping above main tide line on Tai Wan beach.
Though you already know this, as I've posted same info here previously…
Camping in Mid-November
I’ve planned a camping trip for mid-november and would like some advice if possible.
We plan to take the boat from Wong Shek Pier. Will that take us to TLW or Ham Tin?
How long is the walk to the nearest camp site?
If there are no camp sites, can we pitch our tents anywhere that’s got flat ground?
Are there bbq pits?
Will it be cold?
tents above tideline
Boat from Wong Shek to Chek Keng; hike up and over from there.
Long way by boat to Tai Long Wan; gets rough with easterly winds.
No bbq pits I recall.
Probably not cold in November.
Staying overnight in Tai Long Wan?
We’re four of us planning to hike to Tai Long Wan from Pak Tam Au one weekend, is there anywhere to stay at any of the beaches there? We don’t have a tent unfortunately. And what is the best way back? How long is the trek approx. to Pak Tam Chung, or back to Pak Tam Au?
Very grateful for any advice and tip!
tai wan camping
I've seen people camping on Tai Wan beach, above tideline.
Believe there are tents for hire at one or both of restaurants at Ham Tin (mentioned in another comment?)
Maybe 1.5 – 2hrs from Ham Tin to Pak Tam Au.
Surfing Tai Long Wan
I wanna go surfing at Tai Long Wan. I heard there is a mini-bus from University Station to Sai Kung. Is that true? Where does the bus stop and how do I get to the Piet to where I have to take the speed boat? When I jump out of the speed boat, how do I hike to the beach?
And is there a surfshop at the beach?
Is there any Hong Kong surf forecast site?
Thanks for your answer!!
This is some valuable
This is some valuable infomation site!!
I wanted to go surfing at Tai Long Wan. I heard there is a minibus from University station (where I’m living)to Sai Kung?! Where does the bus stop and and where do I jump on the speed boat? Would this be Wong Shek Pier? After the speed boat how do I hike to Tai Long Wan?
Can I rent surfboards at the beach, if yes do you have their contact information?
Is there any Hong Kong surf forecast site?
Thank you for the response in advance.
This weekend
Funny, I live at the CUHK campus as well, I might know you haha. Would be fun to go camping/surfing this weekend. Would you be up for that?
Give me a call at 63543626 and we’ll sort it out.
this weekend
I will go this weekend and live at the uni also.
If you give me a call at 63543626 we’ll sort it out!
la spiaggia è fantastica,il mare è stupendo ma per arrivare c’e’ da prendere il bus da diamond hill fino a sai kung,poi da sai kung a wong shek pier ma non arrivare fino a wong shek pier.Tu devi fermarti ad una fermata intermedia e proseguire scalando delle montagne ,ma il cammino è molto difficile ,io ed un mio amico ci abbiamo messo 34 ore ed eravamo quasi morti.Un alternativa e ritornare tramite una barca da tai long wan a sai kung ,la barca e’ cara costa 120 dollari a testa ma e’ comodo rispetto a tornare camminando ,la barca passa alle 4 del pomerigio ,solo una volta poi basta.Li sulla spiagia non ce niente ma è un paesaggio fantastico,giuro da morire dalla bellezza.Un altro modo per arrivarci sarebbe quello di conoscere qualcuno che da sai kung all’andata e’ disposto a portarvi via mare,oppure dicono che da wong shek pier ci siano boat ma a me non risultava e l’unico modo e’ stato via montagne 🙂
me and my friends are going for surfing and camping, is there any surfboard we can rent?
We provide lessons and rental
Feel free to contact us for more info or check out our facebook/website
Thanks 🙂
Surf Hong Kong
are there surfboards to rent?
Surfing Tai long wan
So i was wandering if i should bring my own surfboard (shortboard) or if i can rent good qualitiy ones there?and if they rent any body boards? and also how much do tents cost for one night? and can i get food and alcohol there?
Thanks in advance for answering, please do as fast as possible im going this weekend
Re surfing Tai Long Wan
I don’t know re quality of the boards; not a surfer. So to be on safe side, take own board… [Surf HK, at Sai Wan, seems better set up for rentals etc; but only my casual observation – compared to Ham Tin]
Surely will be food and alcohol – beer at least – at Ham Tin or Sai Wan small restaurants.
camping on beach
Hi I am a Veneuzelan girl that wants to cap on the beach a friend recommended me this area. I wonder if its safe for a women to camp solo I camp solo in Korea and it was safe I probablywill take mrt to . Mong Kok/Yau Ma Tei, then take the red minibus to Sai Kung from outside the Kwong Wah Hospital (on Dundas St, off Waterloo Rd) and then eithe rone of this options. Depends on weathe rif its rainy or too hot ill take boat.
I wonder on my way back Thursay around 2-3 oclock will restaurants be open and help me book a boat ? I know its Golden week in HK and China and wonde rif it will be open. Also since I dont have a stove I am just taking water for a day/nigh, bread and PB&J and some cookies or granola bars. Wondering if there is a arestaurant or a few reataurants to get hot water, charge electronics and get dinner and get coffee , breakfast . I pan to arrive HK around 12 noon this Wednesday and plan on getting to beach around 2 -3 oclock . Thanks
sai wan camping n safety
Should be safe; issue just whether might be country park staff trying to stop camping on the beach!
I’m not sure about restaurants; with this being a holiday, believe it extremely likely they’ll be open, and busy. Maybe favour Sai Wan; it’s closer to that Sai Wan Pavilion [route from Sai Wan to Ham Tin is up and over a headland; a bit tough, especially carrying camping gear…]